Certain courses have multiple sections, and have multiple professors assigned to them. Usually, one professor teaches only one section of that course. However in our data source (ERP), there is no "section-wise" categorisation of the information. For a given course, we know all the professors that teach it, all the classrooms/locations where it is taught, and all the timetable slots when it is taught.
This leaves us with no choice other than displaying all timetable slots for all sections of the course for any given professor where only few of the slots are actually where you will find the professor.
Here is an example of Lab Course CS19003:
[Slots highlighted in green represent the classes taken by the professor, slots highlighted in red are slots for the same course for other sections (taught by other professors)]
But from the "public" (student accessible) ERP data, it is impossible to know which slot would be the green one.
To let users know of this possibility, we can add a note/disclaimer stating the same.