| 1 | +### Changelog |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | +All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC. |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +Generated by [`auto-changelog`](https://github.com/CookPete/auto-changelog). |
| 6 | + |
| 7 | +#### [v4.5.0](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/v4.4.2...v4.5.0) |
| 8 | + |
| 9 | +- feat: org migration, core plugin alignment [`ce3c8f1`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/ce3c8f153370b9e163917602f212b2bb8a29bd39) |
| 10 | +- feat: use metalsmith.match instead of multimatch, drop Node < 10 support [`1a1d83f`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/1a1d83f51fda0df73776dda3ed1949613c72e04a) |
| 11 | +- feat: better jsdoc typehints & defaults mgmt [`ae06fb9`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/ae06fb9cf82d394448b4d8a2c83a255003010add) |
| 12 | +- fix: don't mistake dots in folder paths for extensions [`0392d6f`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/0392d6f3f668ea0a9d5d73b4a7217d6b2f9c8f35) |
| 13 | + |
| 14 | +#### [v4.4.2](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/4.4.1...v4.4.2) |
| 15 | + |
| 16 | +> 9 March 2021 |
| 17 | +
| 18 | +- Move pug jstransformer to dev dependencies [`#177`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/177) |
| 19 | +- Prepare 4.4.2 [`419417f`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/419417fc2386c049e133ca3e0bb91dc7ac762d6a) |
| 20 | + |
| 21 | +#### [4.4.1](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/v4.4.0...4.4.1) |
| 22 | + |
| 23 | +> 27 September 2019 |
| 24 | +
| 25 | +- Fix infinite loop rendering bug [`#173`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/173) |
| 26 | +- fix(package): update multimatch to version 4.0.0 [`#171`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/171) |
| 27 | +- Return when done [`#170`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/170) |
| 28 | +- Prepare 4.4.1 [`d6127eb`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/d6127ebcdf7b724ffb3112d318d9aac4e705ff86) |
| 29 | + |
| 30 | +#### [v4.4.0](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/v4.3.0...v4.4.0) |
| 31 | + |
| 32 | +> 14 April 2019 |
| 33 | +
| 34 | +- Add set filename option [`#169`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/169) |
| 35 | +- Remove unnecessary line [`#168`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/168) |
| 36 | +- Prepare 4.4.0 [`bb56391`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/bb5639147f439314ce3f01fba81cbc9c37508a29) |
| 37 | + |
| 38 | +#### [v4.3.0](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/v4.2.0...v4.3.0) |
| 39 | + |
| 40 | +> 7 April 2019 |
| 41 | +
| 42 | +- Add test for filename prefix on rendering error message [`#167`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/167) |
| 43 | +- Allow async transforms [`#166`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/166) |
| 44 | +- Add current file name to error message [`#164`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/164) |
| 45 | +- Update readme [`#165`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/165) |
| 46 | +- fix(package): update multimatch to version 3.0.0 [`#160`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/160) |
| 47 | +- fix(package): update debug to version 4.0.0 [`#157`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/157) |
| 48 | +- Improve readme [`#155`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/155) |
| 49 | +- Ignore dev dependencies for greenkeeper [`1afa4e1`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/1afa4e137749163c46c32bd69e9dcf0fa35b8a7f) |
| 50 | +- Prepare 4.3.0 [`e2ccc9a`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/e2ccc9ae0ac3e65281ece81c7e577bb66dd06427) |
| 51 | + |
| 52 | +#### [v4.2.0](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/4.1.1...v4.2.0) |
| 53 | + |
| 54 | +> 19 July 2018 |
| 55 | +
| 56 | +- Add flag to suppress error when there are no files to process [`#151`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/151) |
| 57 | +- chore(package): update dependencies [`#153`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/153) |
| 58 | +- Update links to metalsmith org [`#152`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/152) |
| 59 | +- Remove shields.io badges [`#150`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/150) |
| 60 | +- Update eslint-airbnb-base [`#148`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/148) |
| 61 | +- Greenkeeper/update to node 10 [`#146`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/146) |
| 62 | +- Update license [`#144`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/144) |
| 63 | +- chore(package): update lint-staged to version 7.0.0 [`#143`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/143) |
| 64 | +- Fix readme mistake [`#142`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/142) |
| 65 | +- Update new feature wording [`f387f5c`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/f387f5c13d389bebba6a14caf0afb7c49cb56bce) |
| 66 | +- Prepare 4.2.0 [`afc0366`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/afc0366478bc8fa1c361983dd62a1206b7227d11) |
| 67 | + |
| 68 | +#### [4.1.1](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/4.1.0...4.1.1) |
| 69 | + |
| 70 | +> 25 January 2018 |
| 71 | +
| 72 | +- Prepare 4.1.1 [`#141`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/141) |
| 73 | + |
| 74 | +#### [4.1.0](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/4.0.0...4.1.0) |
| 75 | + |
| 76 | +> 25 January 2018 |
| 77 | +
| 78 | +- Prepare 4.1.0 [`#140`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/140) |
| 79 | +- Add debug [`#139`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/139) |
| 80 | +- Update readme [`#135`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/135) |
| 81 | +- Add npmrc [`#134`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/134) |
| 82 | +- Remove babel [`#133`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/133) |
| 83 | +- Ignore package lock [`#132`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/132) |
| 84 | +- Remove lockfile [`#130`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/130) |
| 85 | + |
| 86 | +### [4.0.0](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/3.0.1...4.0.0) |
| 87 | + |
| 88 | +> 4 January 2018 |
| 89 | +
| 90 | +- Prepare 4.0.0 [`#129`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/129) |
| 91 | +- v4 [`#120`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/120) |
| 92 | +- Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴 [`#125`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/125) |
| 93 | +- Update for move [`#124`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/124) |
| 94 | +- Update readme [`#117`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/117) |
| 95 | + |
| 96 | +#### [3.0.1](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/3.0.0...3.0.1) |
| 97 | + |
| 98 | +> 2 August 2017 |
| 99 | +
| 100 | +- Prepare 3.0.1 [`#112`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/112) |
| 101 | + |
| 102 | +### [3.0.0](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/2.0.1...3.0.0) |
| 103 | + |
| 104 | +> 26 July 2017 |
| 105 | +
| 106 | +- Prepare 3.0.0 [`#109`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/109) |
| 107 | +- Accept array as pattern [`#108`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/108) |
| 108 | +- chore(package): update husky to version 0.14.3 [`#103`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/103) |
| 109 | +- chore(package): update lint-staged to version 4.0.1 [`#104`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/104) |
| 110 | +- Ignore eslint for greenkeeper [`#105`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/105) |
| 111 | +- Minor updates [`#99`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/99) |
| 112 | +- Update travis config [`#97`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/97) |
| 113 | +- Add prettier [`#95`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/95) |
| 114 | +- Use babel-preset-env [`#94`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/94) |
| 115 | +- Add coverage [`#93`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/93) |
| 116 | +- Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴 [`#92`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/92) |
| 117 | +- Rename history [`#90`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/90) |
| 118 | +- Add jest [`#89`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/89) |
| 119 | +- Add issue template [`#88`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/88) |
| 120 | +- Run eslint on travis as well [`#83`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/83) |
| 121 | +- Update Readme.md [`#79`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/79) |
| 122 | +- chore(package): update husky to version 0.14.3 (#103) [`#101`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/issues/101) |
| 123 | +- chore(package): update lint-staged to version 4.0.1 (#104) [`#100`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/issues/100) |
| 124 | + |
| 125 | +#### [2.0.1](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/2.0.0...2.0.1) |
| 126 | + |
| 127 | +> 1 January 2017 |
| 128 | +
| 129 | +#### [2.0.0](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/2.0.0-beta.1...2.0.0) |
| 130 | + |
| 131 | +> 1 January 2017 |
| 132 | +
| 133 | +- Update readme [`#76`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/76) |
| 134 | +- Abstract rendering [`#72`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/72) |
| 135 | +- Simplify babel setup [`#71`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/71) |
| 136 | +- Add yarn lockfile [`#70`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/70) |
| 137 | +- Test on same node versions as metalsmith/metalsmith [`#66`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/66) |
| 138 | + |
| 139 | +#### [2.0.0-beta.1](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/1.4.4...2.0.0-beta.1) |
| 140 | + |
| 141 | +> 27 September 2016 |
| 142 | +
| 143 | +- 2.0.0-beta.1 [`#57`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/57) |
| 144 | +- Move to jstransformer [`#52`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/52) |
| 145 | +- Error: Added filename to render callback. [`#51`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/51) |
| 146 | +- Expose consolidate.requires fix #13 [`#13`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/issues/13) |
| 147 | + |
| 148 | +#### [1.4.4](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/1.4.3...1.4.4) |
| 149 | + |
| 150 | +> 3 May 2016 |
| 151 | +
| 152 | +- Ensure partial names never contain backslashes [`#42`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/42) |
| 153 | +- Remove eslint dependency [`#40`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/40) |
| 154 | +- Chores [`#39`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/39) |
| 155 | +- Update readme [`#28`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/issues/28) |
| 156 | +- Update readme badges [`#37`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/issues/37) |
| 157 | +- Remove makefile [`eb3d176`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/eb3d176e1c65608c7b44353b59b93fa04f249659) |
| 158 | +- Update readme [`abd4337`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/abd43372de83cb684d151388d9223a9a9a955b2c) |
| 159 | +- Add hound [`f7a122a`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/f7a122a2e7adc3153854eb6d947d9643c083365e) |
| 160 | + |
| 161 | +#### [1.4.3](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/1.3.3...1.4.3) |
| 162 | + |
| 163 | +> 11 February 2016 |
| 164 | +
| 165 | +- Refactor rename option [`#36`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/36) |
| 166 | +- Finish a complete render to .html files [`#33`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/33) |
| 167 | +- add rename option [`cc28b70`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/cc28b702b2afbd0a837b00fa55616c9a85c1efad) |
| 168 | +- Update readme and move renaming logic [`f8632f4`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/f8632f4575ba0345f3e2b46f93f095e9c46a19d0) |
| 169 | +- fix tests [`d4b65b2`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/d4b65b25fb215e843a3e4b47b3c0e6a0d0dabebb) |
| 170 | +- Prevent path issues on windows [`1550d28`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/1550d28583573bc4196eb847de80aa83ed6e778e) |
| 171 | +- update travis [`ed6dd6b`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/ed6dd6b0b5aba82a7cd09f02b1e8f6f1e1bd2170) |
| 172 | + |
| 173 | +#### [1.3.3](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/1.3.2...1.3.3) |
| 174 | + |
| 175 | +> 27 January 2016 |
| 176 | +
| 177 | +- Update consolidate and lodash.omit [`#34`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/34) |
| 178 | + |
| 179 | +#### [1.3.2](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/1.3.1...1.3.2) |
| 180 | + |
| 181 | +> 17 October 2015 |
| 182 | +
| 183 | +- Update fs-readdir-recursive [`#30`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/30) |
| 184 | +- Update readme [`#27`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/27) |
| 185 | +- Refactor partials tests [`#26`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/26) |
| 186 | +- Update eslint config and modularize [`#25`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/25) |
| 187 | +- Update readme and dependencies [`4080260`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/40802609c4247fb9701ef14c3c16353d6f239000) |
| 188 | +- Boilerplate as example [`43a0511`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/43a0511a4f74392a260892aefb54c8663e5c1b25) |
| 189 | + |
| 190 | +#### [1.3.1](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/1.3.0...1.3.1) |
| 191 | + |
| 192 | +> 6 August 2015 |
| 193 | +
| 194 | +- Revert discarding unrecognised partials options [`#24`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/24) |
| 195 | + |
| 196 | +#### [1.3.0](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/1.2.1...1.3.0) |
| 197 | + |
| 198 | +> 6 August 2015 |
| 199 | +
| 200 | +- Update readme and only accept partials string [`#23`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/23) |
| 201 | +- Update eslint [`#22`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/22) |
| 202 | +- Update [`#19`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/19) |
| 203 | +- Add test for swig includes [`#21`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/21) |
| 204 | +- Update readme [`#5`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/issues/5) |
| 205 | +- Add support for partials string [`8b0e4a8`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/8b0e4a8cc0ae5ef8b5fb74f4eeccca13b6e002cc) |
| 206 | +- Update code style: disallow single line ifs [`3721aaf`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/3721aafff1617d2e8bca20e7f0059a1f77cbf038) |
| 207 | +- Add error handling [`4407710`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/4407710c858179a2559b3c0948c5b1e6cbb575b7) |
| 208 | + |
| 209 | +#### [1.2.1](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/1.2.0...1.2.1) |
| 210 | + |
| 211 | +> 23 July 2015 |
| 212 | +
| 213 | +- Update swig [`#18`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/18) |
| 214 | + |
| 215 | +#### [1.2.0](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/1.1.1...1.2.0) |
| 216 | + |
| 217 | +> 23 July 2015 |
| 218 | +
| 219 | +- Add badges [`#17`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/17) |
| 220 | +- Update dependencies [`#16`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/16) |
| 221 | +- Sans license [`6a01bc0`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/6a01bc03f9275b198898e31a9c93e950c778dad7) |
| 222 | +- Add license [`06568d1`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/06568d138226d5ea4340398abad74249b99de86f) |
| 223 | + |
| 224 | +#### [1.1.1](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/1.1.0...1.1.1) |
| 225 | + |
| 226 | +> 20 July 2015 |
| 227 | +
| 228 | +- Add eslint [`#11`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/11) |
| 229 | +- Add release badge [`6aae89e`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/6aae89ef3021b509534f29415c1f101bb6193b18) |
| 230 | + |
| 231 | +#### [1.1.0](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/1.0.1...1.1.0) |
| 232 | + |
| 233 | +> 19 July 2015 |
| 234 | +
| 235 | +- Update tests [`#8`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/8) |
| 236 | +- Ignore binary files [`a1bd29c`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/a1bd29c18d7dd5cba6849a24efdf538baec556f7) |
| 237 | +- Add editorconfig [`527020e`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/527020e699eaa1f2589546abfcd26eac9b0f0491) |
| 238 | +- Add gitattributes [`afdf946`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/afdf946767521999db147d7f1054766c711327f5) |
| 239 | +- Add author and other info [`fc5e6d8`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/fc5e6d8fae7c7dfadda93947190fbbb93c2f576c) |
| 240 | +- Update readme [`881c575`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/881c575747d371810acd96143321a460963324cb) |
| 241 | +- Add travis [`7303baa`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/7303baa52a775cd1995285e2648d799cb1c6110e) |
| 242 | +- Add david dm badges [`6aeec90`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/6aeec90580a475bb99cdf6b44fae6a6226e34dcb) |
| 243 | + |
| 244 | +#### [1.0.1](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/compare/1.0.0...1.0.1) |
| 245 | + |
| 246 | +> 22 November 2014 |
| 247 | +
| 248 | +- Add example [`eac4117`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/eac4117836dae4c000752ffdb0d6b1c45f4fbee8) |
| 249 | + |
| 250 | +#### 1.0.0 |
| 251 | + |
| 252 | +> 18 November 2014 |
| 253 | +
| 254 | +- Update for metalsmith 1.x [`#25`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/25) |
| 255 | +- Possibility to pass options to the template engine (with lodash.omit). [`#8`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/pull/8) |
| 256 | +- Update readme, closes #1 [`#1`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/issues/1) |
| 257 | +- Remove everything not related to in-place templating, closes #2 [`#2`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/issues/2) |
| 258 | +- first commit [`53b63f4`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/53b63f440ae4bf7f1a152ebe1df413f3f5f7d040) |
| 259 | +- add rendering of files in place [`21d8cbf`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/21d8cbf0fac85a16e4d65873d9ee45158d9885ba) |
| 260 | +- add in place option, change pattern to just restrict [`dcf8402`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/dcf8402877734e44f766c3f9d9123a57c4bbcf9d) |
| 261 | +- Render files in place by default [`dee5a2a`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/dee5a2ad6e4966ac6499d6f9bb5aba775006964c) |
| 262 | +- fix style [`5b35555`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/5b35555ed25cbe1532c3723981c4282e1a81cd96) |
| 263 | +- Using 'lodash.omit' instead of own implementation. [`f01b629`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/f01b62989435fe402e148b9e0f89a8d3c0b48384) |
| 264 | +- Add installation instructions [`c1cfd65`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/c1cfd6575c4de78c8e943e04248144176ebf7a99) |
| 265 | +- Update package.json [`2ee797d`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/2ee797d9f3c409bf9ca089cba12d3e17cd63b30b) |
| 266 | +- update readme [`8700e2a`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/8700e2a2a29550c881f7cf3a859eb6233b66a912) |
| 267 | +- update readme [`9348283`](https://github.com/metalsmith/in-place/commit/9348283e0256465d7e53dc7332d90c50083cb85d) |
| 268 | + |
1 | 269 | <!-- auto-changelog-above -->
2 | 270 |
3 | 271 | ### 4.4.2 - March 9, 2021
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