A dataviz of weighted clojure event types, "stacked over the years".
Inspired by Clojure/conj 2014 T-shirt design
Ruby 2.1.1 is required.
To run the site locally and develop, in the command line, cd
into this
project directory and run:
Gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec middleman
Then visit localhost:4567 in your browser.
Documentation for languages/frameworks in use:
- middleman; Ruby static site generator
- Sass; CSS preprocessor in use (SCSS syntax)
- Compass; CSS authoring framework
- HAML; Less verbose than HTML templating
- CoffeeScript; Less verbose than regular JS
- underscore; JS Framework for prototyping behavior
Contributers to this little web sketch:
Thanks to Alex Miller for helping me wrangle all the data points for the timeline from many other people in the community.
Done during "Friday Time" at Cognitect, Inc.