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Extended (Nonlinear) Kalman Filter on AVR

This repository contains the kalman-clib library implemented on an AVR64EA48. The original library can be found at

Refer to the Microchip Application Note AN4515: "Processing Analog Sensor Data with Digital Filtering" for further details on the principle of the Kalman filter. The filter equations are introduced further down in this document as well.

Changes needed to the library for it to work on AVR

  1. Line 11 in matrix.h needs to change. "#define EXTERN_INLINE_MATRIX EXTERN_INLINE" -> "#define EXTERN_INLINE_MATRIX INLINE". This has to do with the change in the definition between static, extern and inline from GNU89 and GNU99, see for more information.

How to use the library

There are several examples in the project that can be looked at to see how to use the library. Generally the use can be summarized in this steps:

  1. Create the initial matrixes and initialize the needed kalman structs using the factory files. This automatically create all the decelerations needed to run the kalman filter. It is important the steps are executed in the order bellow as the header files are set up to autogenerate the needed structs, but it needs the defines first and the clean up at the end.
    1. Define KALMAN_NAME
    2. Define KALMAN_NUM_STATS
    4. Include "kalman_factory_filter.h
    7. include "kalman_factory_measurment.h"
    8. include "kalman_factory_cleanup.h"
    9. Get the kalman filter object by running: kalman_t * kf = kalman_filter__init()
    10. Get the kalman filter measurement object by running: kalman_measurement_t * kfm = kalman_filter_measurement__init()
  2. Populate the needed matrixes. This is done using a kalman_get_, and the using the matrix set or matrix_set_symetric functions eks:
    • matrix_t *A = kalman_get_state_transition(kf);
    • matrix_set(A, 0, 0, 1);
    • The matrixes existing in the kalman filter object that needs to be populated are:
      1. state vector to set the initial value of the state
      2. state transition, the A in the standard equation
      3. system covariance, the P in the standard equation
      4. input vector to set the initial input value
      5. input transition, the B in the standard equation
      6. input covariance, the Q in the standard equation
    • The matrixes existing in the kalman filter object that needs to be populated are:
      1. measurement transformation, the H in the standard equation
      2. process noise, the R in the standard equation
  3. Repeat the predict and correct steps for each time step.

Examples in this repo

This repo contains a pre-made example located in the kalman_example_gravity which tries to estimate the gravitational acceleration based on some preloaded data. It is this example which is used to do the measurements given in the result section. The example has been slightly modified to toggle PB2 at the beginning and end of the init as well as at the beginning and end of each kalman filter iteration. This is used to create the Cycle measurements. Refer to theMicrochip Application Note AN4515: "Processing Analog Sensor Data with Digital Filtering" for a discussion of that code.

The kalman_example file is not a full example, but just shows how to use the Kalman Filter factories.



Running the above example uses slightly more than 12 kB of program memory and about 640 B of Data memory on an AVR64EA48. It should be noted that the example contains some pre-loaded data to run the example that increases the memory so the library itself is probably a bit smaller.


Matrix Size Data Type Initialization [Cycles] One Cycle [Cycles]
A=3x3, B= null float 1784 40166

To be able to measure the speed of the Kalman filter, connect an oscilloscope or a logic analyzer to PORT D - PIN 6 and measure the time when the pin is high. Divide that time measurement by the clock period to obtain the number of cycles.


The repo has the following limitations

  1. The kalman filter cannot handle a system that has an external input as shown in the dynamic equations by the $Bu_{k}$ part.

For further information, please look at the chapter 'Limitations of library implementation' at the bottom of the readme.

Data Visualization

To be able to visualize the gravity demo, usart code has been added to be able to send data over usart. Set SEND_OVER_USART to true in order to use it. This sends:

  • Velocity per second
  • gravity
  • position
  • true measured position

variable P_k k-1

For this example, the measured position, estimated position and estimated gravity are illustrated. The yellow is the true measurement, the red is the estimated position and the purple one is gravity. Every second one new measurement is taken, which gives feedback to guide the estimates of the position and gravity. Looking at gravity it starts with the initilization value of 6 m/s^2 and gradually improves the estimates towards the goal of 9.81 m/s^2 .

To Use the Data Visualizer, click Load Workspace → Choose data_visualizer.dvws and remember to change “SEND_OVER_USART” to true in peripherals/usart.h

Standard Kalman Filter Equations

After initialization, the prediction and update phases happen when the algorithm runs. The update phase updates the variables based on the error it had from the prediction. Refer to the Microchip Microchip Application Note AN4515: "Processing Analog Sensor Data with Digital Filtering" for further details on the principle of the Kalman filter.

Discrete Dynamic Equation

discrete dynamic eq1

discrete dynamic eq2

Where variable x_k is the stat at time step variable k, variable A is the state-transition matrix, variable B is the control-input model, variable u_k is the actuation at time step k and variable w_k is the process noise which is a normal distribution with zero mean and a covariance given by variable Q


Predicted state: predicted state

Predicted covariance: predicted covariance

Where variable P is the estimated covariance matrix. The first number in the subscript indicates the priori er prediction step, while that last number indicates the posteriori or update step. Meaning that variable x_k-1 is the complete estimate from the time step variable timestep k-1, while variable predicted estimate xk k-1 is the predicted estimate, but not corrected estimate for time step variable k.


Innovation: update innovation

Innovation covariance: update innovation covariance

Optimal Kalman Gain: update Optimal Kalman Gain

Updated state estimate: update state estimate

Updated covariance: update covariance

Measurement of post-fit innovation: update post-fit innovation

Limitations of library implementation

  1. In the kalman_predict_x the prediction only takes into account the last state and not the input 2) In the kalman_predict_Q the update uses the formula instead of which is what is present in all literature.
  2. The kalman_predict_Q does not predict the variable Q matrix, but the variable P_k k-1 matrix and should therefore be renamed.