I'm trying to test an upgrading to the linuxvm user resource by running the following make locally:
make user_resource_bundle BUNDLE=guacamole-azure-linuxvm WORKSPACE_SERVICE=guacamole
The make script completes successfully. However, when I try to deploy a linuxVM in a workspace with the upgraded version I get a deployment_failed error:
: 4bd2d574-628c-4bff-8372-e26cc4dc876c: Error message: Unable to find image '***' locally exec /cnab/app/run: exec format error 2 errors occurred: * container exit code: 1, message: <nil>. fetching outputs failed: error copying outputs from container: Error response from daemon: Could not find the file /cnab/app/outputs in container a5c93eddd67a154087f7f979a6bc68ec31fbcc6d4222e7b91c29290bac7597e6 * required output hostname is missing and has no default ; Command executed: az cloud set --name AzureCloud && az login --identity -u bba7efea-eed7-4319-8695-24c61d9dc0c4 && az acr login --name ***acr && porter install "4bd2d574-628c-4bff-8372-e26cc4dc876c" --reference *** --param arm_environment="public" --param arm_use_msi="true" --param azure_environment="AzureCloud" --param id="4bd2d574-628c-4bff-8372-e26cc4dc876c" --param os_image="Ubuntu 18.04" --param parent_service_id="ba82e7c8-f5ce-4abb-994c-86bfaeb501cf" --param shared_storage_access="True" --param tfstate_container_name="tfstate" --param tfstate_resource_group_name="rg-***-mgmt" --param tfstate_storage_account_name="***mgmtstore" --param tre_id="***" --param vm_size="2 CPU | 8GB RAM" --param workspace_id="2954681e-b9fd-4551-b15b-ae1cbc4ca9d2" --force --credential-set arm_auth --credential-set aad_auth
For this test, I don't actually change the linuxvm code apart from the version number in the porter.yaml file. The porter bundle / image are definitely in the acr, in this case v0.8.0. The odd thing is a colleague can run the same make locally and deploy the linuxvm CNAB with a later version number to the previous one i deployed into the same AzureTRE instance and everything works in the sense that we can successfully deploy a linuxvm from that upgraded user resource.
I have the same permissions as they do. The only difference we can see is that I'm running the azureTRE devcontainer on a mac and they're on windows which shouldnt impact on anything.
Any suggestions on what else we might want to consider?