I'm trying to automate creating some shared services etc with the CLI, and getting a 409 return code with no error message. How can I debug this and find out what the problem is?
Steps to reproduce
My specific example is a certificate service for Nexus. I have a JSON file, as follows:
"templateName": "tre-shared-service-certs",
"properties": {
"display_name": "nexus-ssl certificate service",
"description": "automated deployment",
"cert_name": "nexus-ssl",
"domain_prefix": "nexus"
I run the CLI:
tre shared-services new --definition-file my-definition.json
and I get this response:
Creating shared_service...
"status_code": 409,
"body": ""
what can I do to debug this?
This is using the latest version of the CLI, installed just a few minutes ago.
N.B. Other commands work fine, creating workspaces etc, so my basic installation is good and I'm logged in to the TRE.