If a resource install fails in a pipeline step before porter has had chance to run, when you attempt to Update the resource to fix the issue, Porter will fail with an "Installation not found" error, as it didn't create any state on install.
E.g. the first step of this pipeline failed.
When I attempted to recover the issue by updating the resource (which if I understand calls porter upgrade
, I got the following error:
1ac69287-2099-40aa-a807-3620e5cadeda: Porter action failed with error = Error message: could not find installation /1ac69287-2099-40aa-a807-3620e5cadeda: Installation not found could not find installation /1ac69287-2099-40aa-a807-3620e5cadeda: Installation not found ; Command executed: porter upgrade "1ac69287-2099-40aa-a807-3620e5cadeda" --reference --param address_space="" --param arm_environment="public" --param arm_use_msi="true" --param id="1ac69287-2099-40aa-a807-3620e5cadeda" --param is_exposed_externally="False" --param tfstate_container_name="tfstate" --param tfstate_resource_group_name="rg-mytre-mgmt" --param tfstate_storage_account_name="mytremgmtstore" --param tre_id="mytre" --param workspace_id="e01fa8c3-83c7-4a13-9710-0ad3082e9523" --force --credential-set arm_auth --credential-set aad_auth Installation not found
As expected there was no state in the cosmos mongo DB, as porter install
never ran in the first place.