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[BC Idea]: [Number Series Copilot] Implement Semantic Text Comparison for Enhanced Number Series Matching #2107



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New Feature: Semantic Comparison for Number Series Copilot

Feature Request: Implement Semantic Text Comparison for Enhanced Intent Understanding

  • Current Behavior: The Number Series Copilot relies on a keyword-based comparison to match user requests with the corresponding entities in Business Central. For example, when a user asks for an employee Number Series, the system works as expected because it can find a match with the "Employee Nos." keyword in the "Human & Resources Setup" table.

  • Problem: If a user uses a synonym or a different phrase, such as "payroll worker," the current keyword comparison does not find the corresponding entity (e.g., "employee"), leading to failure in generating the Number Series.

  • Proposed Solution:

    • Implement a semantic comparison mechanism using a cosine similarity algorithm to compare user requests with existing entities, even if synonyms or different phrases are used.
    • Semantics Vocabulary Table: Build a vocabulary of requested entities (e.g., "employee", "payroll worker") and existing setup tables and no. series fields (e.g., "human resources employee") with text values mapped to vectors.
    • Vectors: Generate and store vectors in the blob field of this semantic vocabulary when the user installs the app or upon the first query.
    • Azure OpenAI Embeddings: If a match is not found in the predefined vocabulary, use Azure OpenAI Embeddings to generate vectors for the new phrase or term.
    • Embedding Deployment: To integrate this feature, add text-embedding-ada-002 embedding model to the AOAIDeployments.GetEmbeddingAda002(). Ensure that the Azure OpenAI Embeddings are accessible for use when a semantic comparison is required.

Steps to Implement:

  • Build a semantic vocabulary of text values with corresponding vectors for entity name comparison.
  • Store the vectors in Blob field during installation or first use.
  • Integrate Azure OpenAI Embeddings for cases where the vocabulary does not provide a match.
  • Ensure the Number Series Copilot can dynamically switch between keyword comparison and semantic comparison as needed.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Semantic comparison allows the Copilot to correctly interpret synonymous terms (e.g., "payroll worker" as "employee") and generate the correct Number Series.
  • Integration with Azure OpenAI Embeddings for real-time semantic comparison when no match is found in the stored vocabulary.

I will provide the implementation for this BC Idea

  • I will provide the implementation for this BC Idea
    Internal work item: AB#503148




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