The following invariants have been extracted from Will's AsyncRaft.tla specification, and confirmed to hold for ccfraft.
\* The set of servers that agree up through index.
Agree(i, index) == {i} \cup {k \in Servers : matchIndex[i][k] >= index }
\* If matchIndex on a leader has quorum agreement on an index, then this entry must
\* be present on a quorum of Servers.
H_LeaderMatchIndexValid ==
\A s \in { s \in Servers : state[s] = Leader} :
\A ind \in DOMAIN log[s] :
\E Q \in Quorums[CurrentConfiguration(s)] :
\A t \in Q :
(Agree(s, ind) \in Q ) =>
/\ ind \in DOMAIN log[t]
/\ log[t][ind] = log[s][ind]
H_CommitIndexCoversEntryImpliesExistsOnQuorum ==
\A s \in Servers :
(commitIndex[s] > 0) =>
\E Q \in Quorums[CurrentConfiguration(s)] :
\A t \in Q :
/\ Len(log[s]) >= commitIndex[s]
/\ Len(log[t]) >= commitIndex[s]
/\ log[t][commitIndex[s]] = log[s][commitIndex[s]]
\* Match index records for a leader must always be <= its own log length.
H_LeaderMatchIndexBound ==
\A s \in Servers : (state[s] = Leader) =>
\A t \in Servers : matchIndex[s][t] <= Len(log[s])
\* Commit index is no greater than the log length on any node.
H_CommitIndexBoundValid ==
\A s \in Servers : commitIndex[s] <= Len(log[s])
H_CurrentTermAtLeastAsLargeAsLogTerms ==
\A s \in Servers :
(\A i \in DOMAIN log[s] : currentTerm[s] >= log[s][i].term)
\* If two nodes are in the same term, then their votes granted
\* sets cannot have intersecting voters.
H_CandidateVotesGrantedInTermAreUnique ==
\A s,t \in Servers :
(/\ s # t
/\ state[s] = Candidate
/\ state[t] = Candidate
/\ currentTerm[s] = currentTerm[t]) =>
(votesGranted[s] \cap votesGranted[t]) = {}
\* If a node has garnered votes in a term as candidate, there must
\* be no other leader in that term in existence.
H_CandidateWithVotesGrantedInTermImplyNoOtherLeader ==
\A s,t \in Servers :
(/\ s # t
/\ state[s] = Candidate
/\ votesGranted[s] \in Quorums[CurrentConfiguration(s)]
/\ currentTerm[s] = currentTerm[t]) =>
state[t] # Leader
This one looks interesting but doesn't hold:
\* If a commit index covers a log entry in some term,
\* then no primary in an earlier term can be enabled to commit any entries
\* in its own log.
H_CommitIndexAtEntryInTermDisabledEarlierCommits ==
\A s,t \in Servers :
(/\ s # t
/\ commitIndex[s] > 0
/\ state[t] = Leader
/\ currentTerm[t] < log[s][commitIndex[s]].term) =>
\A ind \in DOMAIN log[t] :
Agree(t, ind) \notin Quorums[CurrentConfiguration(s)]