Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
There is no .net core based equivalent for the Windows module ServerManager, which is used extensively with commands like Get-WindowsFeature. When running PowerStig in PS Core via DSC 2.0/Azure Policy Guest Configuration/Automanage, this will cause PowerStig to fail for those ServerManager module dependent commands.
Describe the solution you'd like
PS7 Core has backwards compatibility and can make use of the older .net resources, however, when running in Guest Configuration, it does not see the Windows modules because the PS module path in the system32 folder is not a part of the Guest Configurations module path.
I'd like to see a built-in check across the board for the Windows PS Module path when there is a dependency, and if it does not exist, add it.
Describe alternatives you've considered
I am making this work in Guest Configuration by creating a script object in DSC as the first in the MOF that adds the Windows module folder to the process path.
Here is my "set":
$oldPSModulePath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath', 'Process');
if ($oldPSModulePath -notmatch 'windowspowershell\\v1.0\\Modules') {
$newPSModulePath = $oldPSModulePath + ';c:\Windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\Modules';
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath', $newPSModulePath, 'Process')
Write-Verbose "WindowsPowerShell Path is missing, updated session Environment Variable to include it in the PSModules path!"
I am sure this can be done much more elegantly, but this works for now.
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