Chrome/Edge multiple string values entries create as single multistring value #1214
I will use V-221563 from Chrome as an example. If you only want the one extension ID from the STIG checklist listed, the setting works as expected because you are only populating value name "1". If you want to add additional extensions to the approved list each one would be added as an additional value with an incremented number for a name and a string value of the extension ID.
Using the Chrome admx files and entering manually via gpedit you get something like this:
If I enter these values in my DSC as an array...
'V-221563' = @{
ValueData = @('oiigbmnaadbkfbmpbfijlflahbdbdgdf','oiigbmnaadbkfbmpbfijlflahbdbdg4g')
... the values get smashed together into a single value
"1"="oiigbmnaadbkfbmpbfijlflahbdbdgdf oiigbmnaadbkfbmpbfijlflahbdbdg4g "
I did manage to solve this in a function for a Configuration Manager baseline using the PolicyFileEditor module. While not directly applicable, the base logic could be used to add the capability to PowerSTIG.
$regpath = "Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallAllowlist"
$regtype = "String"
$comparitor = "-eq"
$Counter = 1
$regvalues = @(
$usersetting = $False
Function New-STIGReg{
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# This sample assumes that you are familiar with the programming
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Set policy values
Create registry key for policy and if LGPO.exe is present in System32, injects the setting into local policy as well.
.PARAMETER regpath
path under HKLM:\ to create/set value
.PARAMETER regname
value name to create/set
.PARAMETER regtype
value type to create/set
.PARAMETER regvalue
value to create/set
.PARAMETER usersetting
if set to $TRUE, key is verified under HKCU instead of HKLM
Author: Ken Wygant
Date Created: 17August2020
.OUTPUT none
New-STIGReg -regpath "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Policies\EarlyLaunch" -regName "DriverLoadPolicy" -regtype "DWORD" -regvalue "3"
Set value for ELAM driver loading
Param (
import-module PolicyFileEditor
if($usersetting){$Pol = "$env:windir\system32\GroupPolicy\User\registry.pol"}
else{$Pol = "$env:windir\system32\GroupPolicy\Machine\registry.pol"}
if($regvalue -ne "NULL"){
Set-PolicyFileEntry -path $Pol -key $regpath -ValueName $regName -Data $regvalue -Type $regtype
Remove-PolicyFileEntry -Path $Pol -key $regpath -ValueName $regname -Force
ForEach($regvalue in $regvalues){
[string]$regName = $counter
New-STIGReg -regpath $regpath -regName $regName -regtype $regtype -regvalue $regvalue -usersetting $usersetting