I know PowerShell reasonably well. I know the IA process reasonably well. I need to automate a new environment that I inherited for STIGs. I'd much prefer to do it through PS.
I've spent the biggest part of a day reading through this and I'm more lost now than when I was BEFORE reading this.
My environment is totally air-gapped. I have to d/l everything to an internet facing computer and then sneaker net via encrypted disc to the other network.
I downloaded PowerSTIG and all of it's dependencies manually. I didn't see a list detailing if the dependencies had to be imported in a particular order. Last module I import is PowerSTIG itself. It gives me an error that a dependency (ComputerManagmentDSC) is missing.
$env:psmodulepath gives:
- C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules - everything gets installed here.
- c:\users<UserName>\documents\windowspowershell\modules - doesnt physically exist.
- C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules - nothing gets installed here.
I can't get beyond the install.