Describe the bug
My team is applying PowerStig to our Windows hosts and we have to skip the RegistryRule otherwise PowerShell breaks for us. It looks related to winrm or windows remote shell but I have not been able to find a setting that allows powershell to work after applying the stig.
To Reproduce
We are running an Windows host in the AWS cloud using this AMI: ami-0595b708bb9f30517
- CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Benchmark v2.0.0.6 - Level 2-9652b83a-72cf-4084-82a9-8ce71a17d573
- Install PowerStig
- Run PowerStig with all the default settings ( OsVersion = '2016', OsRole = 'MS' )
- After host reboots, not able to continue the configuration using the Start-DscConfiguration -UseExisting command. Reports an error "Not enough storage is available to complete this operation."
Expected behavior
PowerStig is fully applied and host is still usable
Additional context
We had to apply a skipRuleType for @('RegistryRule') and apply those settings manually to meet compliance.
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