Describe the bug
With multiple DSC configurations applied, invoking New-StigCheckList
results with not updating the STATUS
for each rule correctly i.e., the status always remains as Not_Reviewed
even though the rule is in the desired state. This is because $script:allResources
may be initialized with the incorrect resource/configuration and therefore never initializes to the DSCResults
from Test-DscConfiguration
. This is true to every call to New-StigCheckList
after the first call in which a different DSC configuration is tested.
In line 394 of Functions.Checklist.ps1
we see that $setting
is always null in this use case (after the first call to New-StigCheckLit
$setting = Get-SettingsFromResult -DscResults $DscResults -Id $vid
From the function Get-SettingsFromResult
on line 643, we see that $script:allResources
is already initialized, but not to the correct resource. So the results from Test-DscConfiguration
is always ignored.
if (-not $script:allResources)
$script:allResources = $DscResults.ResourcesNotInDesiredState + $DscResults.ResourcesInDesiredState
return $script:allResources.Where({$PSItem.ResourceID -match $id})
which leads to (line 424); and the status is never really evaulated.
$status = $statusMap['NotReviewed']
To Reproduce
- Create DSC configurations for multiple composite resources. This example shows Chrome, Windows Defender AV, and Windows Client 11.
- Compile and apply said configurations.
- Run the below script. Checklists are made, but the status for each rule is in a
# Workaround for; source the missing cmdlet.
# Get-StigXccdfBenchmarkContent : The term 'Get-StigXccdfBenchmarkContent' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet
. 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerSTIG\4.22.0\Module\Common\Function.Xccdf'
function Generate-StigReport {
param (
# Resolve paths
$ReferenceConfiguration = Resolve-Path -Path $ReferenceConfigurationPath
$XccdfPathResolved = Resolve-Path -Path $XccdfPath
$OutputPath = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location).Path -ChildPath $OutputFileName
# Test DSC Configuration
$audit = Test-DscConfiguration -ReferenceConfiguration $ReferenceConfiguration.Path
# Generate STIG Checklist
New-StigCheckList -DscResults $audit -XccdfPath $XccdfPathResolved -OutputPath $OutputPath
# Output path of the generated report for confirmation
Write-Output "Report generated at: $OutputPath"
Generate-StigReport `
-ReferenceConfigurationPath '.\dsc\Chrome\localhost.mof' `
-XccdfPath "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerSTIG\4.22.0\StigData\Archive\Chrome\U_Google_Chrome_STIG_V2R9_Manual-xccdf.xml" `
-OutputFileName 'dsc\_ckl\chrome_mof.ckl'
Generate-StigReport `
-ReferenceConfigurationPath '.\dsc\WindowsDefender\localhost.mof' `
-XccdfPath "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerSTIG\4.22.0\StigData\Archive\Windows.Defender\U_MS_Windows_Defender_Antivirus_STIG_V2R4_Manual-xccdf.xml" `
-OutputFileName 'dsc\_ckl\windows_defender_av_mof.ckl'
Generate-StigReport `
-ReferenceConfigurationPath '.\dsc\WindowsClient\localhost.mof' `
-XccdfPath "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerSTIG\4.22.0\StigData\Archive\Windows.Client\U_MS_Windows_11_STIG_V1R6_Manual-xccdf.xml" `
-OutputFileName 'dsc\_ckl\windows_client_mof.ckl'
Expected behavior
The results from DscResults are evaluated and reflected in the checklists.
Demonstrating that $script:allResources
here is inconsistent to what is expected. Here we see that this variable is a collection of the CimInstance for Chrome
rather than WindowsDefender
DscResults are for WindowsDefender
$script:allResources are for Chrome
Additional context
Note that multiple DSC configurations must be applied and using a single file for each resource.