Describe the bug
ResourceID and InstanceName for ProcessMitigation rules for Windows 10 stig are not in the standard format.
Current output is:
Expected output would be:
To Reproduce
Create MOF based on Windows 10 composite resource. Assuming the mof file path is save to $testPath run the following:
$TestResults = Test-DSCConfiguration -ComputerName Win10Test -ReferenceConfiguration $testPath
$FullResults = $TestResults.ResourcesInDesiredState + $testResults.ResourcesNotInDesiredState
$fullResults | select ResourceID
Expected behavior
Expected output would be:
Additional context
I am using the ResourceName and/or InstanceName to determine scan results using PowerStig. For the majority of resources this holds the majority of the information that I need on the fly but for the ProcessMitigation rules, the parsing that I am using would need to be rewritten to support just these rules, and it still would not hold all of the information that I would normally gather.