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Brian Wilhite edited this page Dec 3, 2020 · 6 revisions

DISA STIG "Group Id" Changes

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Beginning with PowerSTIG 4.6.0, which includes the October 2020 DISA Quarterly updates, which necessitates changes to existing configurations.

Due to a DISA Update, which is explained here, the "Group Id" that PowerSTIG uses to identify specific rule automation is changing.

What this means for a PowerSTIG user is Skips, Exceptions and/or Organizational Settings defined in PowerSTIG configurations will need to be updated, specifically if the following "V2" STIGs are used:

  • Microsoft Office System 2013 STIG - Ver 2, Rel 1
  • Microsoft Outlook 2016 Version 2; Release 1
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Instance Version 2; Release 1
  • Microsoft IIS 8.5 SITE/SERVER STIG - Ver 2, Rel 1
  • Microsoft IIS 10 SITE/SERVER STIG - Ver 2, Rel 1
  • Microsoft Windows 2012 Server DNS STIG - Ver 2, Rel 1

For example, an Office System configuration is used in PowerSTIG 4.5.1 and a SkipRule is defined for V-17560, the configuration is illustrated below:

configuration OfficeSystem2013
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName PowerSTIG

    node 'localhost'
        Office System2013Baseline
            OfficeApp = 'System2013'
            SkipRule  = 'V-17560'

The same Office System configuration is used in PowerSTIG 4.6.0 and greater, notice the Id has been updated to reflect the new/updated DISA Id:

configuration OfficeSystem2013
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName PowerSTIG

    node 'localhost'
        Office System2013Baseline
            OfficeApp = 'System2013'
            SkipRule  = 'V-228518'

One way to reconsile the new ID is to view the STIG in Internet Explorer and search for the "Legacy ID", in the above example, the Legacy Id is V-17560. Notice the new "Group ID (Vulid)" is V-228518, which is illustrated below.


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