We need a simple way to center any app window horizontally and/or vertically. On larger displays, making an app full screen can be overwhelming and wastes space that could used for other purposes. We have shortcuts to easily snap windows to the top, bottom or sides. We also have PowerToys Fancy Zones which is awesome for custom snap zones. However, we don't have a way to center a window on the horizontal or vertical axis while leaving its size untouched.
I rarely want a window to be dead center. So, it's important to allow for separate horizontal and vertical positioning. For me, app window height and width are always custom/app-dependent. For example, my browser, Teams and messaging apps are all sized differently. However, when I'm focusing on one of them, I want it centered horizontally. Yes, this can be done to a "close enough" standard manually, but so can all other sizing/positioning features that do have shortcuts. I would use this far more frequently.
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