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Direct Indicator of which virtual desktop currently on #12246



Description of the new feature / enhancement

I'm proposing a taskbar or OSD based desktop pager similar to that seen at the top of the Task View. Some UI for this may be similar to:

  • Taskbar based small pager just highlighting which desktop is active (seen in many FOSS desktops)
  • Taskbar based small pager showing preview of each desktop (also seen in many FOSS desktops)
  • Quake style dropdown similar to the upper pager of the Task View visible during transition via ctrl+left/ctrl+right navigation
  • A simple OSD showing an accessible name for what specific desktop is currently selected

I currently have animations turned off and often remote desktop to windows systems where it may also be turned off. Having no motion or pager to help establish which desktop is selected can be somewhat confusing.. hence why pagers are so popular outside of Windows/MacOS where virtual desktops are more of a norm.

Ultimately this may pave a way for windows to be dragged toward other desktops by way of the pager interface - which could in turn trigger fancyzones to reorient the window for that desktops preference.

Scenario when this would be used?

As a local or remote desktop user needing a stronger indication of what desktop is currently selected without cycling through the desktops via the Task View.

Supporting information



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    Idea-New PowerToySuggestion for a PowerToyProduct-Virtual DesktopRefers to the idea of an Improved Virtual Desktop power toys


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