Description of the new feature / enhancement
MS File Explorer has a definable directory/folder view, but it isn't global and it, "fixes itself" when moving to different directories or adding new directories/folders. It appears to be controlled by the "folder type." Perhaps I'm deficient, but what defines a folder type, and who cares? This has been a problem for several years. I personally like "Details" with filename extensions in all displays. Why can't I set this once, specify ALL directories/folders on a disk drive and have the setting, "stick" even for new directories/folders no matter the content of the directory/folder?
"Badges, we don't need no stinking badges." Or, in my case, icons.
Scenario when this would be used?
I am constantly creating new directories/folders and dragging and dropping files into them, and then having to define their "view." There are days when I go through this view definition at least ten times. I need a single definable default view for all directories/folders. Of course, the default could be manually changed
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