Microsoft PowerToys version
Installation method
Running as admin
Area(s) with issue?
PowerToys Run
Steps to reproduce
Betriebssystemname: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Betriebssystemversion: 10.0.19045 Nicht zutreffend Build 19045
When Windows and Powertoys start, the first time the runner is given the text "edge" in order to find Microsoft Edge, it correctly shows the application (with icon), as well as an "Aplication Package" without icon. Selecting either of them starts the Edge browser.
But after that first time, when the runner is given the text "edge", it shows both entries "application" and "application package" (both without icon). And the "application" cannot start the Edge browser, displaying the error message "start not possible: C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\StartMenu\Programs\Microsoft Edge.lnk". Edge can only be started by selecting the entry "application package", but the icon is not shown.
Error shown when selecting the application:
✔️ Expected Behavior
Only one entry to be displayed for Edge browser (with correct icon), every time the text edge is given
❌ Actual Behavior
2 different entries for the browser are displayed, one without icon, and the one with icon only works the first time after windows start. After that, it shows an error message
Other Software
Edge Version 118.0.2088.46 (Official build) (64-bit)