Microsoft PowerToys version
Installation method
Running as admin
Area(s) with issue?
PowerToys Run
Steps to reproduce
✔️ Expected Behavior
The first search should also find a txt file with MQTT in the file name in addition to the json file and over 20 files with the content MQTT.
The second search should show some PDF and XLSX with the content "Privatverkauf".
❌ Actual Behavior
Unfortunately, only a JSON file is found, no TXT files, neither if the search term is in the file name nor if the file content contains the search term.
The Windows Explorer search finds all files within a few milliseconds, regardless of the file name or file content - see above. What is noticeable here is that in the first search result MQTT of the json is highlighted in yellow in the file name. Strangely enough, the next file with MQTT in the file name of the TXT is not. Something is very wrong here. But it's somehow related, isn't it?
However, I have checked the Windows search settings several times, but the folders are also indexed here and the content of TXT, PDF, DOCX and some other files are also indexed under Advanced.
During further research I also noticed that the search in the start menu or via WINDOWS + S shows the same behavior. Here, too, only the JSON file is displayed for MQTT and nothing at all for "Privatverkauf".
Can someone explain it to me? PowerToys Run with Windows Search should actually access the same database as Windows Explorer and therefore also find the files.
BTW: I have also played around with EveryThing, but the plugin for PowerToys does not search any file content - but it would find the missing TXT file with MQTT in its name.
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