Microsoft PowerToys version
Installation method
Running as admin
Area(s) with issue?
Steps to reproduce
- Open a folder in File Explorer with Preview Pane activated.
- Select a file to view preview
- Preview Pane loads with progress bar as usual
- Text appears.
- CTRL+␣ for Peek Preview
- Peek appears displaying typical window when a filetype has no preview available.
✔️ Expected Behavior
Peek should mirror the PowerToys File-Explorer Preview Add-on in what it displays for text files.
❌ Actual Behavior
For certain file extensions and files with no extension, there is a discrepancy between what is displayed in preview pane of explorer and in Peek. Below is a screenshot that demonstrates this pretty clearly:
Question: Is there a registry key I can edit/add to tell Peek to treat certain filetypes as text-encoded files? For instance if I add the proper shellex
subkey with the correct Preview Handler ID to the ".
" key in HKCR
, I can preview the text in files with no extension. I'm hoping there is something similar that can be done for Peek (for both files with no extension and those with extensions that currently display nothing in Peek, e.g., *.ahk
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