Description of the new feature / enhancement
With this feature, there will be a checkbox to toggle weather math symbols are included in the set of available characters.
Scenario when this would be used?
The only character set where the math symbols can be found in is the "all characters" option. This is quite excessive for most, as the average use case will only use the symbols and the accents from the language the user writes in (and maybe the Greek alphabet too.) Additionally, the math symbols shouldn't receive their own category, as they are an addition to a character vocabulary, not a replacement. By implementing this feature, users will receive benefits to personalization and convenience.
Supporting information
Examples of math symbols that would be included are: the superscript and subscript numbers (¹, ₁, ², ₂, ³, ₃, ...), the vulgar fractions (½, ⅔, ¾, ...), ∞, °, ~, ∓, the symbols rooting from "=" (≤, ≠, ≙, ...), the double struck letters (ℚ, ℝ, ℤ, ℂ, ℕ), ∈, ∃, ∄, θ, π, ∀, ∑, ∫, δ, °F, ƒ.