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Power Toys - Image Resizer - 2 things #36702



Description of the new feature / enhancement

  1. Almost what I need. The matching of the smallest dimension when resizing is what messes me up. What I want is to resize a directory full of images such that none of them are larger than, say, 1000 px in the largest direction, regardless of the orientation as long as it maintains the length/width ratio. For example: something that is 2100x3000 ends up 700x1000, while something 2000x1600 ends up 1000x800.

  2. Renaming needs more work. I can tell it to rename the images to %1 (%2) as the docs show, but I want some custom text in the new name too. I'd like the new name spec to allow %1 V2 or something like that which just appends some text on the filename. If I then leave the resized files in the source directory they will sort right behind the originals and I can see the effects of my resizing more easily.

If there are ways to accomplish these things with the Resizer "as is", then I apologize for not figuring it out and I'd appreciate some guidance to make it work the way I want it.

Scenario when this would be used?

See above, it's all there.

Supporting information

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