Description of the new feature / enhancement
I have a computer mouse that's very sensitive to movement, and I want to keep that sensitivity. The problem is that when I click the left button, the mouse sometimes slips slightly, resulting in accidental dragging.
I’d like a feature that does something simple: when the left button is pressed, the computer's mouse pointer shouldn’t move, even if I physically move the mouse slightly by mistake (due to slipping).
Since there can be legitimate cases of dragging a file or something similar, I suggest having an offset—if small mouse movements are detected while the button is pressed, they should be ignored, and the pointer won’t move.
However, if a large movement is detected, it’s likely intentional, so it shouldn’t be ignored. This way, the feature would block most cases of accidental pointer slipping while still allowing legitimate actions like dragging a file.
Scenario when this would be used?
I wrote:
The problem is that when I click the left button, the mouse sometimes slips slightly, resulting in accidental dragging.
This should handle this issue
Supporting information
I can develop it myself. I know that it is possible to develop because I am very expert in Win32 API.
But this is not the kind of things that I ever going to spent time myself.