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[Screen Readers - Power Toys - Power Rename]: Screen reader do not convey the confirmation feedback after successfully activating Rename button. #7081



[Power Toys Utility - Power Rename]

User Experience:
If there is no notification of events relevant to user interactions, changes in the component’s state(s), value, name, description, or boundary it would be difficult for the platforms that provide Accessibility APIs, and would in turn affect the screen reader dependent users to determine the information of any new page , new dialog box etc.

Test Environment:
OS Version: 20221.1000
App Name: Power Toy Preview
App Version: v0.23.0
Screen Reader: Narrator

Repro Steps:

  1. Launch Narrator.
  2. Open Power Toys Settings App.
  3. Open File explorer and select multiple files and open context menu and select Power rename. 'Power Rename' dialog will open.
  4. Make some changes like 'Enter character' in 'Search for edit box and and enter character in 'Replace' edit box.
  5. Navigate to 'Rename' button and activate it.
  6. Observe the issue.

Actual Result:
Screen reader do not convey the confirmation feedback after successfully activating Rename button.

This issue is repro with other screen reader(NVDA and JAWS)
This issue is repro throughout the app.

Expected Result:
Screen reader should convey the confirmation feedback after successfully activating Rename button like 'Renamed' so that user would get to know some action has been performed.

MAS Reference:


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A11yE+DAccessibility Team tag- issues found by Accessibility E+D team at MicrosoftA11ySev3Accessibility team tag - P3 itemsA11yWCAGAccessibility Team tag - Web Content Accessibility GuidelinesArea-AccessibilityIssues related to accessibilityIssue-BugSomething isn't workingNeeds-TriageFor issues raised to be triaged and prioritized by internal Microsoft teamsPowerToys_Win32Accessibility team tag - Tag needed for internal tooling trackingPriority-1Bug that is high priorityProduct-PowerRenameRefers to the PowerRename PowerToy


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