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PowerToys Run Plugin spec

Clint Rutkas edited this page Jan 28, 2021 · 3 revisions

PowerToy Run Settings for Plugin configuration

  • What is it: Settings UX for configuration PowerToys Run plugins
  • Authors: Clint Rutkas
  • Spec Status: Draft
  • GitHub issue: #5273

1: Overview

1.1: Executive overview (max 150 words)

PowerToys Run's is powered by plugins. Each plugin has a set of behaviors that are currently hardcoded but could be overridden or disabled. This provides the configuration an end user wants. Making it work as they want it to.

1.2: Core Scenarios

  1. Disable a built-in plugin
  2. Change the weight of a plugin
  3. Change the action keyword of a plugin

1.3: Existing solutions and expectations

1.3.1: Windows Settings

Lots of instances inside the settings dialog for how something like this could be enacted.

Here the options are both inline and allow for an on/off.

alt Windows 10 language inline options

alt Windows 10 OS systray dialog

1.4: Goals/Non-goals

1.4.1: Goals

  • Ability to customize action words
  • Ability to disable a plugin
  • Ability to add a weight multiplier to increase weighting for individual plugins.
    • We fixed a bug that reintroduces weighting based on usage and want to validate based on user feedback if this is needed.

1.4.2: Stretch Goals

  • Ability to launch a single plugin via key shortcut
  • Have configurations happen without restarting PT Run

1.4.3: Non-goals

  • Settings outside what is listed above
  • 3rd party plugin spec

2: Scenarios

2.1: Golden path

  1. Disable a built-in plugin
  2. Change the action keyword of a plugin
  3. Trigger PT Run
  4. New configuration respected

3: Key definitions

Term Definition
Action word This is the concept inside PowerToys Run where you can directly invoke only that plugin(s) that use that. An example is doing =2+2 would only call the calculator plugin. The UX Screenshot is calling this "Direct activation" below
Weight A multiplier to increase the result value
PT Run / Run Shorthand for PowerToys Run launcher

4: Requirements

4.1: Core requirements

Most plugin information comes from PowerToys\modules\launcher\Plugins\PLUGIN_FOLDER\plugin.json where PLUGIN_FOLDER is the name of the plugin.

# Definition Priority
1 List of plugins with toggle On / Off P0
2 When clicked, inline options are displayed P0
3 When weight multiplier is added, that target plugin's value should be increased Non-goal, waiting for feedback P0
4 When new settings are applied, PT Run does not have to restart P2
5 When an error state is hit, the warning will be displayed to user below title for plugin P0
6 Detect error state when there is no direct activation, no global result and no action word P0
7 Disable file drive warning checkbox if Search plugin is disabled P1
8 Do not have warning appear if Disable file drive warning is enabled and the Search plugin is disabled P1
9 List author of plugin (from json file) P1

4.2: Inline Setting requirements

# Definition Priority
1 Checkbox to "include results in default list" (adding in * to action keyword) P0
2 Text field for additional action word. P0
3 Action word do not have to be unique (This already is supported). P0
4 Text field for additional action word can be blank. P0
5 Do not allow action word of * as under the hood this is the global keyword P1
6 Weight multiplier number box field, 0 to 10 with ability to add in a decimal. This will need to be tweaked once the multiplier is added in after real world testing. Non-goal, waiting for feedback P1
7 Direct shortcut to execute a single plugin P2
8 No plugin can have the same direct shortcut P2
9 Description of plugin is shown when expanded P1

4.3: Accessibility

# Definition Priority
1 Tabbing between options once selected are in order P0

5: Functional design

5.1: Core design and screenshots

Quick mock of what it could look like in a first attempt.

alt Mock of the UX with existing settings

5.2: Existing consideration

Right now with Wox, each plugin defines their action keywords in a json file. We could extend this and include the hotkey there.

6: Measurements

# Requirement Implication Pri
1 The enable / disable state Validate if a plugin should be off by default based on population P0
2 Action word for plug Validate if we should shift the Action word P1
3 Include in global result list for plug Validate if we should shift the Action word from the global list P1
4 Action word for plug Validate if we should shift the default Action word P1
5 Is a direct shortcut used for a plugin Validate if we should make certain plugins have direct shortcuts. If so, we should add in one more bit of telemetry, what shortcut was used to see if there are commonalities P1

7: Future considerations

  • Per-plugin setting
    • This would move the setting for ignoring the file drive warning into Search plugin section
  • Adding in weight per plugin
  • Adding in a 'reset' ability
  • 3rd party plugins

8. Appendix