27 | 27 | "BuildTagRequired": "Build tag is required.",
28 | 28 | "BuildTagsForBuild": "Build '{0}' has following tags now: {1}",
29 | 29 | "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "Can't change parent timeline record of an existing timeline record.",
30 |
| - "CannotChangePermission": "Cannot change permission of configuration store, report this error. You can still run the agent in interactive mode", |
31 |
| - "CanNotFindLoginUserName": "Cannot find logged in username", |
32 | 30 | "CanNotFindService": "Cannot find service {0}",
33 | 31 | "CanNotFindSystemd": "Cannot find if systemd is installed",
34 | 32 | "CanNotGrantPermission": "Cannot grant LogonAsService permission to the user {0}",
35 |
| - "CanNotInstallService": "Cannot install the service, check the logs for more details ", |
36 |
| - "CanNotRunAgent": "Cannot run. Must configure first.", |
37 |
| - "CanNotSetPermissionForAccount": "Cannot set permission for service account. Check the logs for more details.", |
38 | 33 | "CanNotStartService": "Cannot start the service. Check the logs for more details.",
39 | 34 | "CanNotStopService": "Cannot stop the service {0} in a timely fashion. Please stop the service and reconfigure again.",
40 | 35 | "CannotUploadFile": "Cannot upload file because file location is not specified.",
72 | 67 | "EulasSectionHeader": "End User License Agreements",
73 | 68 | "Failed": "Failed: ",
74 | 69 | "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Failed to delete temporary directory '{0}'. {1}",
75 |
| - "FailedToConfigureService": "Service configuration failed, try configuring again after resolving the error", |
76 | 70 | "FailedToConnect": "Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit",
77 | 71 | "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Failed to delete temporary inline script file '{0}'. {1}",
78 | 72 | "FailedToFindPool": "Failed to find pool name. Try again or ctrl-c to quit",
81 | 75 | "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager",
82 | 76 | "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Failed to publish test results: {0}",
83 | 77 | "FailedToReadFile": "Failed to read {0}. Error : {1}.",
84 |
| - "FailedToRemoveService": "Cannot remove the service, remove the service manually and configure again", |
85 | 78 | "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Failed to replace the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit",
86 | 79 | "FileContainerUploadFailed": "Unable to copy file to server StatusCode={0}: {1}. Source file path: {2}. Target server path: {3}",
87 | 80 | "FileDoesNotExist": "File '{0}' does not exist or is not accessible.",
90 | 83 | "FileUploadProgress": "Total file: {0} ---- Uploaded file: {1}",
91 | 84 | "GetSources": "Get Sources",
92 | 85 | "GroupDoesNotExists": "Group: {0} does not Exist",
93 |
| - "InstalledGitNotSupport": "The version of the installed Git is less than min-supported Git version {0}.", |
94 | 86 | "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "An internal error occurred. Details: Invalid build or code coverage tool provided. Build tool = '{0}'. Coverage tool = '{1}'. ",
95 | 87 | "InvalidBuildXml": "Invalid build xml '{0}'. Error '{1}' occured while parsing the file. Ensure the file provided is well-formed and try again.",
96 | 88 | "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "Invalid input for 'Class Files Directory' field. It should not be a regular expression or a file path. 'Class Files Directory' accepts comma seperated list of class directories.",
108 | 100 | "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Invalid windows credentials entered. Try again or ctrl-c to quit",
109 | 101 | "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "Parameter IsMultiModule is not available. Considering the project as a single module project.",
110 | 102 | "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: Job {1} completed with result: {2}",
111 |
| - "LinuxServiceConfigured": "Service {0} successfully configured", |
112 |
| - "LinuxServiceStartFailed": "Could not start the service. Start the service manually", |
113 | 103 | "ListenerHelp": [
114 | 104 | "Visual Studio Team Services Agent",
115 | 105 | "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation",
252 | 242 | "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "Renaming '{0}' to '{1}' failed while publishing code coverage files for '{2}'. Inner Exception: '{3}'",
253 | 243 | "Replace": "replace? (Y/N)",
254 | 244 | "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. TODO: DOC aka link",
255 |
| - "RMAgentVariableInfo": "ReleaseId={0}, TeamProjectId={1}, ReleaseDefinitionName={2}", |
256 | 245 | "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "Cannot find the required information to download the artifact",
257 | 246 | "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "The artifact directory does not exist: {0}",
258 | 247 | "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Downloading linked artifact {0} of type {1}...",
259 | 248 | "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "Downloaded linked artifact {0}",
260 | 249 | "RMArtifactFolderCreated": "Created artifact folder {0}",
261 |
| - "RMArtifactIsNotContainerType": "The following is not a server drop artifact: {0}", |
262 | 250 | "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "The build artifact '{0}' does not match any naming patterns, skipping download",
263 | 251 | "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "Directory '{0}' does not exist. Falling back to parent directory: {1}",
264 | 252 | "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Finished artifacts download",
273 | 261 | "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Git artifact.",
274 | 262 | "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the GitHub artifact: {0}",
275 | 263 | "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Received Jenkins Artifact Details",
276 |
| - "RMInitializeTask": "Initialize", |
277 | 264 | "RMJenkinsBuildId": "BuildId: {0}",
278 | 265 | "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Jenkins artifact: {0}",
279 | 266 | "RMJenkinsJobName": "Job Name: {0}",
291 | 278 | "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "run agent as service? (Y/N)",
292 | 279 | "RunningJob": "{0:u}: Running job: {1}",
293 | 280 | "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: Settings Saved.",
294 |
| - "SavingCredential": "Saving credentials...", |
295 | 281 | "ScanToolCapabilities": "Scanning for tool capabilities.",
296 | 282 | "SelfManageGitCreds": "You are in self manage git creds mode. Make sure your agent host machine can bypass any git authentication challenge.",
297 | 283 | "ServerUrl": "server URL",
322 | 308 | "SvnMappingIgnored": "The entire mapping set is ignored. Proceeding with the full branch mapping.",
323 | 309 | "SvnNotInstalled": "Can't find installed svn command line utility",
324 | 310 | "SvnSyncingRepo": "Syncing repository: {0} (Svn)",
325 |
| - "SystemdCannotReload": "Cannot reload systemd daemon", |
326 |
| - "SystemdDoesNotExists": "Systemd does not exist, if you are having init.d or any other init system you can manually configure it", |
327 | 311 | "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=817296)",
328 | 312 | "TeeEula": [
329 | 313 | "Building sources from a TFVC repository requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.",
333 | 317 | ],
334 | 318 | "TestAgentConnection": "Testing agent connection.",
335 | 319 | "TestResultsRemaining": "Test results remaining: {0}. Test run id: {1}",
336 |
| - "TFSConnectionDownRetrying": "The TFS service is currently unavailable. Error: '{1}'. Retrying to establing a connection - attempt '{0}'.", |
337 | 320 | "TotalUploadFiles": "Uploading {0} files",
338 | 321 | "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Type is required for this new timeline record.",
339 | 322 | "UnableResolveArtifactType": "Can't infer artifact type from artifact location: {0}.",
340 | 323 | "UnableToArchiveResults": "Unable to archive the test results: {0}",
341 | 324 | "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "Unable to parse the legacy build tracking configuration. A new build directory will be created instead. The previous directory may be left in an unreclaimed state. Legacy configuration contents: {0}",
342 |
| - "UnauthorizedAccess": "You do not have access to {0} to create systemd unit file. Did you forget to run with sudo permission?", |
343 | 325 | "UninstallingService": "Removing service",
344 | 326 | "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "Code coverage tool '{0}' is not supported.",
345 | 327 | "UnregisteringAgent": "Removing agent from the server",
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