Describe your question
I'm trying to setup a self-hosted agent on MacOS, but I want the account to have as few permissions as possible
Steps I've taken
- Created a new user account (devops)
sudo sysadminctl -addUser devops -fullName "Azure DevOps
- Download, unzip the agent, and configure it
curl -L -o myagent.tar.gz
mkdir ~/myagent && cd ~/myagent
tar -xvf ~/myagent.tar.gz
- I'm able to run the agent interactively (./
- I'm able to "install" the service (./ install)
- I'm NOT able to start the service (I receive the following error)
Failed: failed to load /Users/devops/Library/LaunchAgents/vsts.agent.DevOps.DevOps-Mac.DevOps-Mac-mini.plist
I've verified that the devops user has r/w permission on that file
-rw-r--r-- 1 devops staff 994 Mar 12 21:41 /Users/devops/Library/LaunchAgents/vsts.agent.DevOps.DevOps-Mac.DevOps-Mac-mini.plist
I've asked co-pilot and checked the azure agent documentation, but I'm coming up empty. Any other ideas?
- Agent Version: vsts-agent-osx-x64-4.252.0
- OS Version: 15.3.1
Environment type (Please select at least one enviroment where you face this issue)
- Self-Hosted
- Microsoft Hosted
- VMSS Pool
- Container
Azure DevOps Server type (formerly
Operation system
MacOS 15.3.1
Version controll system
No response
Azure DevOps Server Version (if applicable)
No response