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Question, Bug, or Feature?
Type: Bug
Enter Task Name: AzureFunctionApp
list here (V# not needed):
Interestingly, v2 does not seem to be published to the market place?
Azure Pipelines
- If using Azure Pipelines, provide the account name, team project name, build definition name/build number: I can disclose this information through private channels
Issue Description
When deploying a function app to a linux consumption plan hosted function app service with a key vault reference in the property AzureWebJobsStorage
, the task will fail with the error message: Unable to find the storage account associated with the function app.
Value I am using: @Microsoft.KeyVault(VaultName=myvault;SecretName=mystorageaccount-ConnectionString)
Interestingly deploying through Visual Studio 2022 (17.2) works fine.
func cli fails; version 4.0.4590 with the error Error creating a Blob container reference. Please make sure your connection string in "AzureWebJobsStorage" is valid
. For this it appears there is already an issue opened: Azure/azure-functions-core-tools#2564
Task logs
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