Releases: microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks
Releases · microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks
Sprint 211
ANT (V1)
- [common-npm-packages] Remove codecoverage tools from common packages (#16855) (2022-09-14)
ArchiveFiles (V2)
- Upgrade ArchiveFilesV2 to NodeJS 16 (#16793) (2022-09-20)
AzureFileCopy (V4)
- Revert "{AzurePipelineTasks} fixes Azure/azure-powershell#19209" (#16977) (2022-09-29)
- Revert the AzureFileCopy task V4 and V5 to 4.208.0 (#16979) (2022-09-29)
- Revert "Revert the AzureFileCopy task V4 and V5 to 4.208.0" (#16989) (2022-09-30)
AzureFileCopy (V5)
- Revert "{AzurePipelineTasks} fixes Azure/azure-powershell#19209" (#16977) (2022-09-29)
- Revert the AzureFileCopy task V4 and V5 to 4.208.0 (#16979) (2022-09-29)
- Revert "Revert the AzureFileCopy task V4 and V5 to 4.208.0" (#16989) (2022-09-30)
AzureFunctionApp (V1)
- AzureFunctionAppV1 and AzureFunctionAppV2 Enhancements (#16949) (2022-09-26)
AzureFunctionApp (V2)
- AzureFunctionAppV1 and AzureFunctionAppV2 Enhancements (#16949) (2022-09-26)
- Users/finvamp1/update linux rfp settings (#16957) (2022-09-26)
AzureIoTEdge (V2)
- bump underscore AzureIoTEdgeV2 (#16904) (2022-09-27)
AzureKeyVault (V1)
- Added retrials for KeyVault secrets downloading on request timeout (#16882) (2022-09-16)
- bump underscore AzureKeyVaultV1 (#16905) (2022-09-26)
- Added retries for KeyVault tasks for errors with getaddrinfo message (#16922) (2022-09-19)
AzureKeyVault (V2)
- Added retrials for KeyVault secrets downloading on request timeout (#16882) (2022-09-16)
- Added retries for KeyVault tasks for errors with getaddrinfo message (#16922) (2022-09-19)
AzureMonitorAlerts (V0)
- bump underscore AzureMonitorAlertsV0 (#16920) (2022-09-27)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
- remove broken test from ARMTD task (#16992) (2022-09-30)
AzureSpringCloud (V0)
- AzureSpingCloudV0 fixed component governance bug (#16810) (2022-09-09)
AzureWebApp (V1)
- Fixed npm audit CG bugs for AzureWebAppV1 (#16889) (2022-09-15)
Bash (V3)
- Upgrade BashV3 to NodeJS 16 (#16815) (2022-09-15)
CUrlUploader (V2)
- Upgrade CUrlUploaderV2 to NodeJS 16 (#16847) (2022-09-20)
ContainerStructureTest (V0)
- Migrate ContainerStructureTest task to Node10 (#15968) (2022-09-23)
- Bump [email protected] to 1.13.4 using npm audit fix (#16841) (2022-09-09)
- Bump the sprint number (#16869) (2022-09-12)
CopyFiles (V2)
- Upgrade CopyFilesV2 to NodeJS 16 (#16899) (2022-09-28)
DecryptFile (V1)
- Upgrade DecryptFileV1 to NodeJS 16 (#16878) (2022-09-26)
DeleteFiles (V1)
- Upgrade DeleteFilesV1 to NodeJS 16 (#16926) (2022-09-28)
Docker (V2)
- bump-underscore-DockerV2 (#16906) (2022-09-21)
DownloadPackage (V0)
- Component Governance CVE 2022 -0144 (#16784) (2022-09-09)
- Tintse cg CVE 2020 7788 For DownloadPackageV1 and DownloadPackageV0 (#16872) (2022-09-12)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- Component Governance CVE 2022 -0144 (#16784) (2022-09-09)
- Tintse cg CVE 2020 7788 For DownloadPackageV1 and DownloadPackageV0 (#16872) (2022-09-12)
DuffleInstaller (V0)
- bump-underscore-DuffelInstallerV0 (#16908) (2022-09-26)
ExtractFiles (V1)
- Upgrade ExtractFilesV1 to NodeJS 16 (#16862) (2022-09-20)
FileTransform (V1)
- Fixed component governance bugs for FileTransformV1, bumped version (#16893) (2022-09-26)
FtpUpload (V1)
- Upgrade FtpUploadV1/FtpUploadV2 to NodeJS 16 (#16856) (2022-09-20)
FtpUpload (V2)
- Upgrade FtpUploadV1/FtpUploadV2 to NodeJS 16 (#16856) (2022-09-20)
GitHubRelease (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for GitHubReleaseV0 (#16946) (2022-09-27)
GitHubRelease (V1)
- Vulnerability fix for GitHubReleaseV1 (#16955) (2022-09-27)
Gradle (V2)
- Upgrade GradleV2 to NodeJS 16 (#16931) (2022-09-26)
Grunt (V0)
- Upgrade GruntV0 to NodeJS 16 (#16953) (2022-09-28)
Gulp (V0)
- Upgrade GulpV0/GulpV1 to NodeJS 16 (#16874) (2022-09-26)
Gulp (V1)
- Upgrade GulpV0/GulpV1 to NodeJS 16 (#16874) (2022-09-26)
HelmDeploy (V0)
- bump-underscore-HelmDeployV0 (#16909) (2022-09-26)
InstallSSHKey (V0)
- Upgrade InstallSSHKeyV0 to NodeJS 16 (#16945) (2022-09-28)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
- Upgrade JavaToolInstallerV0 to NodeJS 16 (#16929) (2022-09-28)
JenkinsDownloadArtifacts (V1)
- bump-underscore-JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1 (#16910) (2022-09-27)
JenkinsQueueJob (V2)
- Upgrade JenkinsQueueJobV2 to NodeJS 16 (#16891) (2022-09-26)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
- bump-underscore-KubernetesManifestV0 (#16911) (2022-09-26)
Kubernetes (V0)
- bump-underscore-KubernetesV0 (#16912) (2022-09-22)
Kubernetes (V1)
- bump-underscore-KubernetesV1 (#16913) (2022-09-22)
MSBuild (V1)
- Upgrade MSBuildV1 to NodeJS 16 (#16854) (2022-09-20)
MavenAuthenticate (V0)
- Component Governance CVE 2022 -0144 (#16784) (2022-09-09)
Maven (V2)
- Upgrade MavenV2 to NodeJS 16 (#16863) (2022-09-20)
Maven (V3)
- Maven with jacoco for sonarqube analysis (#16843) (2022-09-09)
- Upgrade MavenV3 to NodeJS 16 (#16864) (2022-09-20)
Maven (V4)
- Maven with jacoco for sonarqube analysis (#16843) (2022-09-09)
MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V1)
- Fixed component governance bug for MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroup (#16895) (2022-09-19)
NodeTool (V0)
- Allow installing Node.js version based on file (#16835) (2022-09-12)
- Fixed task version for PR #16835 (#16866) (2022-09-22)
Npm (V0)
- Component Governance CVE 2022 -0144 (#16784) (2022-09-09)
NuGetCommand (V2)
- bump-lodash-NuGetCommandV2 (#16918) (2022-09-22)
PublishBuildArtifacts (V1)
- Upgrade PublishBuildArtifactsV1 to NodeJS 16 (#16886) (2022-09-26)
PublishSymbols (V2)
- PublishSymbolsV2 honors the symbolExpirationInDays input value when running on non-Windows OSes (#16865) (2022-09-13)
VsTest (V3)
- Updated VsTestV3 task to version - 3.210.0 (#16861) (2022-09-13)
Sprint 210
AzureAppServiceManage (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureAppServiceManageV0 (#16796) (2022-09-02)
AzureAppServiceSettings (V1)
- AzureAppServiceSettingsV1 - Fixed npm audit component governance bugs in dependency (#16751) (2022-08-24)
AzureFileCopy (V4)
- {AzurePipelineTasks} fixes Azure/azure-powershell#19209 (#16785) (2022-09-02)
AzureFileCopy (V5)
- {AzurePipelineTasks} fixes Azure/azure-powershell#19209 (#16785) (2022-09-02)
AzureFunctionApp (V2)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureFunctionAppV2 (#16799) (2022-09-02)
AzureFunctionOnKubernetes (V0)
- Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848) (2022-09-09)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeploymentV3 (#16808) (2022-09-02)
AzureWebAppContainer (V1)
- AzureWebAppContainerV1 - Fixed component governance bugs (#16765) (2022-08-24)
ContainerBuild (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for task ContainerBuildV0 (#16797) (2022-09-02)
ContainerStructureTest (V0)
- Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848) (2022-09-09)
Docker (V1)
- Vulnerability fix for DockerV1 (#16748) (2022-08-26)
Docker (V2)
- Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848) (2022-09-09)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
- Vulnerability fix for DotNetCoreCLIV2 (#16807) (2022-08-29)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- TypeError in Download Package step for Build Pipelines (#16802) (2022-08-25)
DuffleInstaller (V0)
- Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848) (2022-09-09)
FileTransform (V1)
- reverted_FileTransformV1_vulnerabilityfixchanges (#16849) (2022-09-07)
GitHubRelease (V1)
- Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848) (2022-09-09)
Go (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for GoV0 (#16781) (2022-08-26)
HelmDeploy (V0)
- Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848) (2022-09-09)
HelmInstaller (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for HelmInstaller (#16800) (2022-08-29)
HelmInstaller (V1)
- Vulnerability fix for HelmInstaller (#16800) (2022-08-29)
KubectlInstaller (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for KubectlInstallerV0 (#16801) (2022-09-02)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
- Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848) (2022-09-09)
Kubernetes (V0)
- Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848) (2022-09-09)
Kubernetes (V1)
- Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848) (2022-09-09)
MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V1)
- Vulnerability fix for MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1 (#16809) (2022-08-26)
NodeTool (V0)
- Implement fallback on UseNode and NodeTools tasks to work with os-x arm (#3391) (#16743) (2022-08-30)
NuGetCommand (V2)
- Migrate NuGetCommandV2 to NodeJS10 (#16826) (2022-09-08)
OpenPolicyAgentInstaller (V0)
- Tasks/OpenPolicyAgentInstallerV0 was migrated to Node10 (#16836) (2022-09-05)
PowerShell (V2)
PublishPipelineMetadata (V0)
- Bumping task versions for AzureFunctionOnKubernetesV0, ContainerStructureTestV0, DockerV2, DuffleInstallerV0, GitHubReleaseV1, HelmDeployV0, KubernetesManifestV0, KubernetesV0, KubernetesV1, PublishPipelineMetadataV0 (#16848) (2022-09-09)
PublishTestResults (V2)
- Updated PTRV2 task to version 2.210.0 (#16779) (2022-08-25)
UseNode (V1)
- Implement fallback on UseNode and NodeTools tasks to work with os-x arm (#3391) (#16743) (2022-08-30)
VsTest (V2)
- Updated TestAgent version from 2.205.0 to 2.210.0 (#16853) (2022-09-08)
VsTest (V3)
- Update stream to remove ##vso commands. (#16746) (2022-08-24)
Sprint 209
AppCenterDistribute (V1)
- [Node 10] Migrated AppCenterDistribute tasks (#15643) (2022-08-16)
- Fixed npm audit CG bug for 'nock' package used in tests (#16750) (2022-08-18)
AppCenterDistribute (V2)
- Fixed npm audit CG bug for 'nock' package used in tests (#16750) (2022-08-18)
AppCenterDistribute (V3)
- Fixed npm audit CG bug for 'nock' package used in tests (#16750) (2022-08-18)
AzureCLI (V1)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureCLIV1 (#16699) (2022-08-09)
AzureCLI (V2)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureCLIV2 (#16700) (2022-08-09)
AzureFileCopy (V2)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureFileCopyV2 (#16705) (2022-08-16)
AzureFileCopy (V3)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureFileCopyV3 (#16712) (2022-08-16)
AzureFileCopy (V4)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureFileCopyV4 (#16713) (2022-08-18)
AzureFileCopy (V5)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureFileCopyV5 (#16714) (2022-08-16)
AzureFunctionApp (V1)
- Bump up AzureFunctionApp versions (#16773) (2022-08-19)
AzureFunctionApp (V2)
- Bump up AzureFunctionApp versions (#16773) (2022-08-19)
AzureNLBManagement (V1)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureNLBManagementV1 (#16716) (2022-08-16)
AzurePowerShell (V4)
- Vulnerability fix for AzurePowerShellV4 (#16720) (2022-08-18)
AzurePowerShell (V5)
- Vulnerability fix for AzurePowerShellV5 (#16721) (2022-08-18)
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2 (#16755) (2022-08-19)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeploymentV3 (#16756) (2022-08-19)
- Users/onetocny/armtemplatedeployment lib upgrade (#16763) (2022-08-18)
CopyFiles (V2)
- Update CopyFilesV2 task to skip cleaning target when it doesn't exist (#16710) (2022-08-12)
DockerInstaller (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for DockerInstallerV0 (#16752) (2022-08-19)
Docker (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for DockerV0 (#16733) (2022-08-16)
DotNetCoreInstaller (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for DotNetCoreInstaller (#16742) (2022-08-18)
DotNetCoreInstaller (V1)
- Vulnerability fix for DotNetCoreInstaller (#16742) (2022-08-18)
DownloadGitHubRelease (V0)
- Migrate DownloadGitHubReleaseV0 to node10 execution (#16736) (2022-08-18)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- Vulnerability fix for DownloadPackageV1 (#16703) (2022-08-09)
FileTransform (V2)
- Vulnerability fix for FileTransformV2 (#16724) (2022-08-18)
FuncToolsInstaller (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for FuncToolsInstallerV0 (#16741) (2022-08-18)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
- Remove JavaToolInstallerV0 tests dependencies (#16657) (2022-08-03)
JenkinsQueueJob (V2)
- Remove NPM package definition from tests of JenkinsQueueJobV2 (#16668) (2022-08-03)
NuGetRestore (V1)
- Migrate NuGetRestoreV1 task to Node10 (#15855) (2022-08-02)
PublishTestResults (V1)
- Migrate PublishTestResultsV1 to Node 10 (#16664) (2022-08-19)
SqlAzureDacpacDeployment (V1)
- Add support for VS2022 to SqlAzureDacpacDeployment (#16686) (2022-08-09)
Sprint 208
ANT (V1)
- Fixed vulnerabilities in ANTV1 task , updated azure-pipelines-tasks-codecoverage-tools version till 2.201.0 (#16583) (2022-07-14)
AppCenterTest (V1)
- [AppCenterTestV1] Update appcenter-cli 2.10.10 (#16587) (2022-07-14)
- [AppCenterTestV1] Migrate to Node10 (#16597) (2022-07-15)
AzureAppServiceManage (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureAppServiceManageV0 (#16617) (2022-07-22)
AzureAppServiceSettings (V1)
- bump momentjs to fix CG issues (#16648) (2022-07-28)
AzureFileCopy (V2)
- bump momentjs to fix CG issues (#16648) (2022-07-28)
AzureFileCopy (V3)
- bump momentjs to fix CG issues (#16648) (2022-07-28)
AzureFileCopy (V4)
- bump momentjs to fix CG issues (#16648) (2022-07-28)
AzureFileCopy (V5)
- bump momentjs to fix CG issues (#16648) (2022-07-28)
AzureFunctionAppContainer (V1)
- AzureFunctionAppContainerV1 vulnerability fix (#16579) (2022-07-13)
AzureFunctionApp (V1)
- Changed "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE true" to "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE 1" (#16576) (2022-07-27)
- Bumped decompress-zip for AzureFunctionAppV1 (#16581) (2022-07-14)
- Users/finvamp1 deployment status changev1 (#16666) (2022-07-28)
AzureFunctionApp (V2)
- Users/finvamp1/functions appv2 (#16632) (2022-07-26)
- Users/finvamp1 deployment status changev1 (#16666) (2022-07-28)
AzureKeyVault (V1)
- bump momentjs to fix CG issues (#16648) (2022-07-28)
AzureKeyVault (V2)
- bump momentjs to fix CG issues (#16648) (2022-07-28)
AzureMonitorAlerts (V0)
- bump lodash deps vsts-tasks-azuremonitoralerts (#16642) (2022-07-28)
- bump momentjs to fix CG issues (#16648) (2022-07-28)
AzureMysqlDeployment (V1)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureMysqlDeploymentV1 (#16592) (2022-07-15)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V3)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3 (#16658) (2022-07-27)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V4)
- Fixing hyperV container deployment for Azure App Service Deploy task (#16367) (2022-07-20)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4 (#16594) (2022-07-27)
AzureSpringCloud (V0)
- bump dependencies AzureSpringCloudV0 (#16602) (2022-07-20)
AzureStaticWebApp (V0)
- Bump azure-pipelines-tasks-docker-common-v2 in AzureStaticWebApp (#16603) (2022-07-28)
AzureVmssDeployment (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureVmssDeploymentV0 task (#16434) (2022-07-12)
AzureWebAppContainer (V1)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureWebAppContainerV1 (#16595) (2022-07-20)
AzureWebApp (V1)
- Vulnerability fix for AzureWebAppV1 (#16596) (2022-07-22)
ContainerBuild (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for ContainerBuildV0 (#16633) (2022-07-26)
- bump lodash deps ContainerBuild (#16645) (2022-07-28)
CopyFiles (V2)
- Fix stats function in the CopyFilesV2 task (#16453) (2022-07-22)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
- Vulnerability fix for DotNetCoreCLIV2 (#16682) (2022-08-02)
DownloadGitHubNpmPackage (V1)
- Migrate DownloadGitHubNpmPackageV1 task to Node10 (#16019) (2022-07-15)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
DownloadGitHubNugetPackage (V1)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
DownloadPackage (V0)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
FileTransform (V1)
- Vulnerability fix for FileTransformV1 (#16640) (2022-07-27)
IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0 (#16615) (2022-07-27)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
- Updated the JavaToolInstallerV0 task dependencies to fix CG vulnerabilities (#16571) (2022-07-13)
MSBuild (V1)
- Fixed vulnerabilities in MSBuildV1 task and updated task-lib-version till 3.3.1 (#16569) (2022-07-13)
Maven (V2)
- Fixed vulnerabilities in Maven tasks with nth-check package (#16536) (2022-07-12)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
Maven (V3)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
- Fixed vulnerabilities in Maven tasks with nth-check package (#16536) (2022-07-12)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
- Fix maven v3 warn base64TypeError issue 16520 (#16652) (2022-07-29)
MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V1)
- Vulnerability fix for MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1 (#16616) (2022-07-27)
NpmAuthenticate (V0)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
- Migrate NpmAuthenticateV0 to Node 10 (#16650) (2022-07-27)
Npm (V1)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
NuGetCommand (V2)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
NuGetInstaller (V0)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
- Migrate NuGetInstallerV0 to Node10 (#16495) (2022-07-25)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
NuGetPublisher (V0)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
NuGetToolInstaller (V0)
- Migrate NuGetToolInstallerV0 task to Node10 (#15822) (2022-07-28)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
NuGetToolInstaller (V1)
- Migrate NuGetToolInstallerV1 task to Node10 (#15824) (2022-07-28)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
NuGet (V0)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
- CG fix (#16609) (2022-07-27)
PackerBuild (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for PackerBuildV0 (#16638) (2022-07-28)
PackerBuild (V1)
- Vulnerability fix for PackerBuildV1 (#16639) (2022-07-28)
PipAuthenticate (V0)
- Fix GHSA-h726-x36v-rx45 (#16485) (2022-07-19)
TwineAuthenticate (V0)
- Migrate TwineAuthenticateV0-1 to Node 10 (#15924) (2022-07-28)
TwineAuthenticate (V1)
- Migrate TwineAuthenticateV0-1 to Node 10 (#15924) (2022-07-28)
UseNode (V1)
VSBuild (V1)
- Fixed vulnerabilities in MSBuildV1 task and updated task-lib-version till 3.3.1 (#16569) (2022-07-13)
XamarinAndroid (V1)
- Fixed vulnerabilities in MSBuildV1 task and updated task-lib-version till 3.3.1 (#16569) (2022-07-13)
Sprint 207
AppCenterTest (V1)
- AppCenterTestV1 revert (master) (#16518) (2022-07-01)
AzureKeyVault (V2)
- AzureKeyVault task - Fix keyvault name format (#16523) (2022-07-07)
GoTool (V0)
- Vulnerability fix for GoToolV0 (#16483) (2022-07-06)
Gradle (V2)
- Fixed vulnerability with nth-check package in Gradle tasks (#16535) (2022-07-07)
Gradle (V3)
- Fixed vulnerability with nth-check package in Gradle tasks (#16535) (2022-07-07)
Sprint 206
Sprint 205
AzureSpringCloud (V0)
- Updated archiver in Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2 (#16310) (2022-06-08)
- [AzureSpringCloudV0] fix aysnc header (#16444) (2022-06-15)
CocoaPods (V0)
- [CocoaPodV0]: Add proxy support (#16169) (2022-06-17)
DownloadGitHubNugetPackage (V1)
- Replaced request with typed-rest-client (#16191) (2022-06-28)
- Bumped request dependency to remove cryptiles vulnerability in Tasks/DownloadGitHubNugetPackageV1 (#16409) (2022-06-15)
DownloadGitHubRelease (V0)
- Bump artifact-engine and lodash deps (#16400) (2022-06-09)
DownloadPackage (V0)
- bump-lodash-DownloadPackageV0 (#16413) (2022-06-09)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- bump-lodash-DownloadPackageV1 (#16414) (2022-06-09)
FileTransform (V1)
- bump-lodash-FileTransformV1 (#16415) (2022-06-09)
FileTransform (V2)
- bump-lodash-FileTransformV2 (#16416) (2022-06-09)
Gradle (V2)
- gradle tests vulnerabilities fixed (#16427) (2022-06-08)
Gradle (V3)
- gradle tests vulnerabilities fixed (#16427) (2022-06-08)
Gulp (V1)
- Fix vulnerabilities shell-js and path-parse (#16443) (2022-06-15)
MSBuild (V1)
- Update task-lib version for Tasks-Common-MSBuildHelpers (#16438) (2022-06-18)
- bump azure-pipelines-task-lib version of MSBuildHelper package(#3054) (#16451) (2022-06-15)
- Revert Bug 1936450: [Component Governance Alert] - CVE-2022-0144 in shelljs 0.3.0. Severity: High #3054 (#16457) (2022-06-15)
- Revert "Update task-lib version for Tasks-Common-MSBuildHelpers" (#16470) (2022-06-21)
MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V1)
- bump-lodash-MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1 (#16417) (2022-06-09)
- bump-lodash-MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroup (#16439) (2022-06-10)
PublishPipelineArtifact (V0)
- Bug on windows machines in ci/verifyMinAgentDemands execution via pipeline (#3087) (#16459) (2022-06-23)
PublishPipelineArtifact (V1)
- Bug on windows machines in ci/verifyMinAgentDemands execution via pipeline (#3087) (#16459) (2022-06-23)
ShellScript (V2)
- Fix shelljs vulnerability in ShellScriptV2 task (#16446) (2022-06-15)
Ssh (V0)
- Fix SshV0 task vulnerabilities (#16422) (2022-06-24)
- Add support of the interactive keyboard authentication (#16441) (2022-06-20)
UseDotNet (V2)
- bump-lodash-usedotnetV2 (#16418) (2022-06-09)
UseNode (V1)
- Fix UseNodeV1 vulnerabilities (#16425) (2022-06-07)
UsePythonVersion (V0)
- bump-lodash-use-python-version-v0 (#16419) (2022-06-09)
VSBuild (V1)
- Update task-lib version for Tasks-Common-MSBuildHelpers (#16438) (2022-06-18)
- bump azure-pipelines-task-lib version of MSBuildHelper package(#3054) (#16451) (2022-06-15)
- Revert Bug 1936450: [Component Governance Alert] - CVE-2022-0144 in shelljs 0.3.0. Severity: High #3054 (#16457) (2022-06-15)
- Revert "Update task-lib version for Tasks-Common-MSBuildHelpers" (#16470) (2022-06-21)
XamarinAndroid (V1)
- Update task-lib version for Tasks-Common-MSBuildHelpers (#16438) (2022-06-18)
- bump azure-pipelines-task-lib version of MSBuildHelper package(#3054) (#16451) (2022-06-15)
- Revert Bug 1936450: [Component Governance Alert] - CVE-2022-0144 in shelljs 0.3.0. Severity: High #3054 (#16457) (2022-06-15)
- Revert "Update task-lib version for Tasks-Common-MSBuildHelpers" (#16470) (2022-06-21)
Sprint 204
AppCenterTest (V1)
- Updated lodash and lodash.merge dependencies to the latest version in Tasks/AppCenterTestV1 (#16214) (2022-05-10)
- Updated set-value in Tasks/AppCenterTestsV1 (#16228) (2022-05-10)
- Fix CVE-2019-10746 for AppCenterTestV1 (#16289) (2022-05-11)
AzureFunctionApp (V1)
- Updates to some typos on the Debug Level logs (#16106) (2022-04-20)
AzureMysqlDeployment (V1)
- Bump lodash from 4.17.10 to 4.17.21 in /Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1 (#16041) (2022-05-07)
DotNetCoreInstaller (V0)
- fix permissions for specified files in DotNetCoreInstallerV0, DotNetCoreInstallerV1, UseDotNetV2 tasks (#16100) (2022-04-26)
DotNetCoreInstaller (V1)
- fix permissions for specified files in DotNetCoreInstallerV0, DotNetCoreInstallerV1, UseDotNetV2 tasks (#16100) (2022-04-26)
Gradle (V3)
- Added warning about 'chmod' method (#16189) (2022-05-11)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
- Resolved vulnerabilities - java tool installer (#16184) (2022-05-04)
PublishTestResults (V2)
- Updated PTRV2 task to version 2.203.0 (#16213) (2022-04-29)
UseDotNet (V2)
- fix permissions for specified files in DotNetCoreInstallerV0, DotNetCoreInstallerV1, UseDotNetV2 tasks (#16100) (2022-04-26)
VsTest (V2)
- Updated VsTestV2 task to version 2.203.0 (#16212) (2022-04-29)
Sprint 202
AzureCloudPowerShellDeployment (V1)
- Add braces to '-and' in if statements, for the correct function handling (#15458) (2022-03-10)
AzureFileCopy (V1)
- Add braces to '-and' in if statements, for the correct function handling (#15458) (2022-03-10)
AzureFileCopy (V2)
- Add braces to '-and' in if statements, for the correct function handling (#15458) (2022-03-10)
AzureFileCopy (V3)
- Add braces to '-and' in if statements, for the correct function handling (#15458) (2022-03-10)
AzureFileCopy (V4)
- Add braces to '-and' in if statements, for the correct function handling (#15458) (2022-03-10)
AzureFileCopy (V5)
- Add braces to '-and' in if statements, for the correct function handling (#15458) (2022-03-10)
AzureIoTEdge (V2)
- Update CLI (#16020) (2022-03-11)
AzurePowerShell (V2)
- Add braces to '-and' in if statements, for the correct function handling (#15458) (2022-03-10)
AzurePowerShell (V3)
- Add braces to '-and' in if statements, for the correct function handling (#15458) (2022-03-10)
AzurePowerShell (V4)
- Add braces to '-and' in if statements, for the correct function handling (#15458) (2022-03-10)
AzurePowerShell (V5)
- Add braces to '-and' in if statements, for the correct function handling (#15458) (2022-03-10)
AzureSpringCloud (V0)
- fix no wait result bug (#15957) (2022-03-03)
AzureStaticWebApp (V0)
- [StaticWebAppsV0] Stable Staging Environment inputs for Static Web Apps (#15981) (2022-03-18)
- [AzureStaticWebAppV0] Add skip_api_build to Devops Task (#15996) (2022-03-17)
DeleteFiles (V1)
- Correcting failing tests for DeleteFilesV1 task (#16057) (2022-03-22)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
DownloadGitHubNpmPackage (V1)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
DownloadGitHubNugetPackage (V1)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
DownloadPackage (V0)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- Fixed casing for packaging api data (#15877) (2022-03-08)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
Maven (V2)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
Maven (V3)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
NpmAuthenticate (V0)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
Npm (V1)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
NuGetCommand (V2)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
NuGetInstaller (V0)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
NuGetPublisher (V0)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
NuGetToolInstaller (V0)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
NuGetToolInstaller (V1)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
NuGet (V0)
- Add VS2022 msbuild path to fix nuget/msbuild incompatibility issue (#16060) (2022-03-23)
PublishSymbols (V2)
- Support TLS 1.2 In PublishSymbolsV2 Task (#15140) (2022-03-22)
SqlAzureDacpacDeployment (V1)
- Add braces to '-and' in if statements, for the correct function handling (#15458) (2022-03-10)
UsePythonVersion (V0)
- [UsePythonV0] Download python from registry (#15820) (2022-03-05)
- Revert "[UsePythonV0] Download python from registry (#15820)" (#16014) (2022-03-10)
VsTest (V2)
- Updated VsTestV2 task to version 2.202.0 (#16028) (2022-03-16)
WindowsMachineFileCopy (V2)
Sprint 203
AzureStaticWebApp (V0)
- [AzureStaticWebAppV0] Add is_static_export to Devops Task (#16142) (2022-04-15)
DownloadPackage (V1)
- Revert changes from PR #15877. (#16145) (2022-04-13)
- Updated version for DownloadPackageV1 task (#16154) (2022-04-14)
Gradle (V3)
- [GradleV3] Improve task failure message (#16078) (2022-04-15)
JenkinsDownloadArtifacts (V1)
- JenkinsDownloadArtifacts migrate to Node10 (#15954) (2022-03-31)
NuGetAuthenticate (V0)
- Add NuGetAuthenticateV1, use new version of packaging-common (#16066) (2022-04-07)
NuGetAuthenticate (V1)
- Add NuGetAuthenticateV1, use new version of packaging-common (#16066) (2022-04-07)