Does this bug already exist in our backlog?
- I have checked and confirm this is a new bug.
Describe the issue
We have removed the Office 365 Management API custom connector from Core and so you may see if this failure on upgrade
You will not be able to upgrade again until you complete these steps, described in detail below.
- Delete _upgrade
- Delete Audit Logs solution and any other dependencies
- Try your upgrade of Core again
- Setup new Audit Logs collection technique using either (a) new HTTP methodology or (b) a copy of the old technique.
1. Delete _upgrade
First delete the failed upgrade solution
Note you may need to browse to solution install history and back before you see it.
Note also the deletion may timeout, you will need to watch in the history for it to complete
2. Delete Audit Logs
First delete the Center of Excellence - Audit Logs solution itself.
This should remove the majority of the dependencies straight away.
Spot check for dependencies
Some people have found that some objects do not get deleted when the old Audit logs solution gets deleted so just go double check that they did and delete these objects if you see them still there.
Go to the Default Solution > Connnection References.
Use Power Shell to check for straggler connections
Some people have found that there are still references to the connector remaining that they cannot see in the UX and hence have to use powershell to find and delete these remaining connections to the old connector.
It will look something like this:
Get-AdminPowerAppConnection -EnvironmentName [Guid]
Remove-AdminPowerAppConnection -ConnectionName [ConnectionName] -ConnectorName shared_twitter -EnvironmentName Default-[Guid]
3. Try your upgrade of Core again
Now you can now reinstall the new Core release. Please look for failures and _upgrades which would indicate you are still broken due to straggler connections.
4 a. Setup new Audit Logs collection technique
Now that you have upgraded to a modern version of Core components, if you want to re-establish Audit Log collection for App Launches, you need to do that as shown here
The steps outlined in Collect audit logs using an HTTP action describe how to do it. But one note for those of you migrating from old to new technique is how to change your app registration.
How to update app registration
- Browse to your app registration.
- API Permissions > Remove the delegated permissions to Office 365 Management APIs ActivityFeed.Read
- Add instead Application permissions to Office 365 Management APIs ActivityFeed.Read and get it granted for the organization
Complete setup
Then from here, complete the rest of the steps outlined in Collect audit logs using an HTTP action
If you cannot use the new methodology, perhaps you cant get the application permissions on the app registration, you can still use the old technique although it will not be something we can assist with going forward.
Please follow the steps in this issue: #6017
It also contains some solutions you can use to get going.
In Progress 🚧