We currently host the OSS FHIR server in our own subscription within Azure. We are currently evaluating whether we can switch to the Azure Health Data Fhir Service but we have a few questions:
- In our existing setup we modify some of the configuration parameters, such as the default count limit and bundle size. I can't see a way of doing this in the health fhir service, is this possible?
- We currently use AFD in front of our fhir service. This works well but relies on the fact that we can add a custom domain to the app service so that the URLs returned in the FHIR responses match the AFD url (rather than the default app service url). I note that others have a problem with custom URLs using Application Gateway. Are there plans to allow for custom urls?
- I note that the managed service only supports FHIR versions 3 and 4. We are not planning on using v5 anytime soon but it is concerning that support isn't available even though it was released a while back. What are the expected timeframes around new FHIR releases?