Describe the bug
Save a fhir resource having codeableConcept: coding and extension objects with leading and trailing spaces as shown below:
"code": {
"coding": [
"extension": [
"url": ""
, "valueString": " SOME VALUE "
"system": ""
, "code": "SOMECODE",
"display": " SOME DESCRIPTION "
Retrieve the fhir resource having this codeableConcept, the values are trimmed for extension.valueString and Coding.display
"coding": [
"extension": [
"url": ""
, "valueString": "SOME VALUE"
"system": ""
, "code": "SOMECODE",
FHIR Version?
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Create a resource with Codeable concept.
- Add some leading and trailing spaces for coding.display and coding.extension.valueString field.
- Save fhir resource.
- retrieve the fhir resource back.
Expected behavior
The Coding.display and extension.valueString should retain trailing and leading spaces.
Actual behavior
coding.extension.valueString and coding.display values are trimmed.