** Current Setup
- Microsoft FHIR Server for Azure deployed on Azure App Service
- Configured to use Cosmos DB as backend - Currently size is approx 3 TB and has over 400M documents
** Observation
While trying to retrieve MedicationRequest using logical ID with the below query, below are the observations
- On average this request takes 15 seconds as per Application Insights
- As per Cosmos DB Diganostic Logs it uses Query Operation Type (& cant see PartitionKey being used in the WHERE clause of the Query)
** Clarification
How to retrieve MedicationRequest using logical ID (without performing Search) ? Will the below query help? Main objective to improve performance and to Optimise Cosmos DB cost.
When tried using below Query, couldnt find a trace of this query in Cosmos DB diagnostic logs. How to confirm whether the FHIR Query uses POINT READ operation type on Cosmos DB?