Describe the issue
In ort training, we do graph transformation/optimization for forward_model_ and invoke 'Model::Load(forward_model_->ToProto(), gradient_model_, nullptr, *logger_)' to get the gradient_model.
If shapes of args are changed in the transformation/optimization step, the change will not be seen in gradient_model_.graph.
This is because shape change is saved in Graph::node_args_ which will not sync when serialize graph to proto.
To reproduce
the onnx file can be created by code:
onnxruntime::Model original_model("test", false, ModelMetaData(), PathString(), IOnnxRuntimeOpSchemaRegistryList(),
{{kOnnxDomain, 12}}, {}, DefaultLoggingManager().DefaultLogger());
onnxruntime::Graph& graph = original_model.MainGraph();
TypeProto tensor_float;
onnxruntime::NodeArg input_def("X", &tensor_float), inter_def("Y", &tensor_float), output_def("Z", &tensor_float);
onnxruntime::Node* node = &graph.AddNode("node1", "Identity", "Identity operator", ArgMap{&input_def}, ArgMap{&inter_def});
onnxruntime::Node* node2 = &graph.AddNode("node2", "Identity", "Identity operator", ArgMap{&inter_def}, ArgMap{&output_def});
ASSERT_STATUS_OK(Model::Save(original_model, "./test.onnx"));
and test code to reproduce the issue:
constexpr const ORTCHAR_T* model_uri = "test.onnx";
std::shared_ptr<Model> forward_model;
ASSERT_STATUS_OK(Model::Load(model_uri, forward_model, nullptr, *logger_));
Graph& graph = forward_model->MainGraph();
NodeArg* arg = graph.GetNodeArg("Y");
ASSERT_TRUE(arg->Shape() == nullptr);
onnx::TensorShapeProto new_shape;
arg->SetShape(new_shape); // set the shape, but it's not sync and can not be seen in gradient_model
// This code snippet is to sync the shape change,
// If uncommented, the shape change can be seen in the gradient graph and this test succeed.
// but this is not done in current ort code.
// graph.Set_is_loaded_from_model_file(false);
// graph.SetGraphResolveNeeded();
// Graph::ResolveOptions resolve_options;
// ASSERT_STATUS_OK(graph.Resolve(resolve_options));
std::shared_ptr<Model> gradient_model;
ASSERT_STATUS_OK(Model::Load(forward_model->ToProto(), gradient_model, nullptr, *logger_));
Graph& gradient_graph = gradient_model->MainGraph();
NodeArg* gradient_arg = gradient_graph.GetNodeArg("Y");
ASSERT_TRUE(gradient_arg->Shape() != nullptr); // The shape change is not seen in the gradient graph and this will fail
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