Describe the issue
024-09-06 15:00:41.0156984 [E:onnxruntime:Default, onnxruntime::TryGetProviderInfo_CUDA] D:\a_work\1\s\onnxruntime\core\session\ onnxruntime::ProviderLibrary::Get [ONNXRuntimeError] : 1 : FAIL : LoadLibrary failed with error 126 "" when trying to load "D:\EYIC\Git repo handwriting\Git repo handwriting\Handwriting _Analysis\venv\Lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\capi\onnxruntime_providers_cuda.dll"
2024-09-06 15:00:41.0416597 [W:onnxruntime:Default, onnxruntime::python::CreateExecutionProviderInstance] Failed to create CUDAExecutionProvider. Require cuDNN 9.* and CUDA 12.*, and the latest MSVC runtime. Please install all dependencies as mentioned in the GPU requirements page (, make sure they're in the PATH, and that your GPU is supported.
2024-09-06 15:00:42.0969770 [E:onnxruntime:Default, onnxruntime::TryGetProviderInfo_CUDA] D:\a_work\1\s\onnxruntime\core\session\ onnxruntime::ProviderLibrary::Get [ONNXRuntimeError] : 1 : FAIL : LoadLibrary failed with error 126 "" when trying to load "D:\EYIC\Git repo handwriting\Git repo handwriting\Handwriting _Analysis\venv\Lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\capi\onnxruntime_providers_cuda.dll"
2024-09-06 15:00:42.1120911 [W:onnxruntime:Default, onnxruntime::python::CreateExecutionProviderInstance] Failed to create CUDAExecutionProvider. Require cuDNN 9.* and CUDA 12.*, and the latest MSVC runtime. Please install all dependencies as mentioned in the GPU requirements page (, make sure they're in the PATH, and that your GPU is supported.
Monitoring directory: data/images
To reproduce
i want it to run on CUDA
It is an urgent matter
ONNX Runtime Installation
Built from Source
ONNX Runtime Version or Commit ID
PyTorch Version
Execution Provider
Default CPU, CUDA
Execution Provider Library Version
cuda 12.4