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technically this also includes [Documentation] and [Building]. This just feels the closest.
I'd like to train a ONNX model in my C++ application. For this use case I have encountered multiple examples that seem to do the job. The closest is: MNIST example from the repo . However, the main issue here is that those namespaces/declarations are not usable when using the precompiled archive from the release-page. I downloaded the most recent version 1.20.1.
As far as I am aware, only the onnxruntime_c_api.h and onnxruntime_cxx_api.h are intended for direct use there.
Using those APIs, I have encountered the following documentation: Doxygen doc. The thing about this code sample is that it also doesn't work. There is no header onnxruntime_training_api.h and the following code is returning a nullptr.
OrtApi const * ortapi = OrtGetApiBase()->GetApi(ORT_API_VERSION);
OrtTrainingApi const * trainapi = ortapi->GetTrainingApi(ORT_API_VERSION);
std::cout << (trainapi == nullptr ? "unavailable" : "available") << std::endl;
According to the documentation in the headerfile, this means that the training API is not available in this build.
Now I am left a bit confused because I don't know how I should start training process. Maybe I overlooked some documentation? Most of it is in Python, so it does not really apply to my case.
Primarily I don't understand:
- Which API should I use? The one from the precompiled binaries or the one that uses the project's internals (namespace onnxruntime)?
- If I should use GetTrainingApi(), how do I enable it? Do I need to recompile ONNXRuntime?
- What is the best way to include onnxruntime in a C++ project that uses training?
To reproduce
- Download the latest precompiled release (here v.1.20.1) of onnxruntime
- Extract it
- Link it with the above code
The project mentioned before is part of my final/thesis project for university. That makes it not super urgent but I need to get done in the next few months.
ONNX Runtime Installation
Released Package
ONNX Runtime Version or Commit ID
PyTorch Version
Didn't get that far
Execution Provider
Other / Unknown
Execution Provider Library Version
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