Describe the issue
I want to use openvino as Execution Providers to compile onnxruntime, but need to execute on android x86 device. The compilation command I currently use is as follows:
$ ./ --android --android_sdk_path /home/user/sdk --android_ndk_path /home/junruizh/sdk/ndk/27.0.11718014 --android_abi x86_64 --android_api 34 --config RelWithDebInfo --use_openvino GPU --build_shared_lib --cmake_extra_defines OpenVINO_DIR=/home/user/openvino-android/openvino-install-android/runtime/cmake
The openvino_dir specified here is the installation path of an Android version of openvino.
During the compilation process of onnxruntime, I encountered this error:
CMake Error at onnxruntime_providers_openvino.cmake:49 (add_dependencies):
The dependency target "onnxruntime_providers_shared" of target
"onnxruntime_providers_openvino" does not exist.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
onnxruntime_providers.cmake:143 (include)
CMakeLists.txt:1768 (include)
-- Generating done (0.3s)
CMake Warning:
Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:
No response
Target platform
Build script
$ ./ --android --android_sdk_path /home/user/sdk --android_ndk_path /home/junruizh/sdk/ndk/27.0.11718014 --android_abi x86_64 --android_api 34 --config RelWithDebInfo --use_openvino GPU --build_shared_lib --cmake_extra_defines OpenVINO_DIR=/home/user/openvino-android/openvino-install-android/runtime/cmake
Error / output
CMake Error at onnxruntime_providers_openvino.cmake:49 (add_dependencies):
The dependency target "onnxruntime_providers_shared" of target
"onnxruntime_providers_openvino" does not exist.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
onnxruntime_providers.cmake:143 (include)
CMakeLists.txt:1768 (include)
Visual Studio Version
No response
GCC / Compiler Version
No response