Describe the issue
I am trying to run yolov8 nano model in browser using onnx. The model is working fine when executionProvider
is cpu
, but it fails to work when I set execution environment as webgpu
. The following error occurs when trying to initalize the model by parsing dummy values
Model warmup failed: Error: input 'detection' is missing in 'feeds'.
To reproduce
Here is the code initializing the model
export const initModel = async (gpuAvailable=true) => {
// ort.env.wasm.wasmPaths = `./`;
ort.env.wasm.wasmPaths = `${window.location.origin}/`;
let executionProvider = 'cpu';
if (useGPU && gpuAvailable) {
const gpuAvailable = await isWebGPUAvailable();
if (gpuAvailable) {
executionProvider = 'webgpu';
console.log('Using WebGPU execution provider');
} else {
console.log('WebGPU requested but not available, falling back to CPU');
console.log('start initializing the model');
// TODO: check if this array buffer causes potential issue
const modelPath = await fetch(modelPathOnServer).then((response) => response.arrayBuffer());
const nmsPath = await fetch(nmsPathOnServer).then((response) => response.arrayBuffer());
let yolov8 = null, nms=null
try {
// create session
const [a, b] = await Promise.all([
ort.InferenceSession.create(modelPath, { executionProviders: [ executionProvider ] }),
ort.InferenceSession.create(nmsPath, { executionProviders: [ executionProvider ] }),
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error caught while creating session', error);
console.log('nms is', nms, 'model is', yolov8);
// warmup main model
const tensor = new ort.Tensor(
new Float32Array(modelInputShape.reduce((a, b) => a * b)),
try {
const {output0} = await{ images: tensor });
console.log('output0 and other values', output0, topk, iouThreshold, scoreThreshold);
input: output0,
topk: topk,
iou_threshold: iouThreshold,
score_threshold: scoreThreshold,
console.log('Model warmup successful');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Model warmup failed:', error);
// If WebGPU fails, fall back to CPU
if (executionProvider === 'webgpu') {
console.log('Falling back to CPU execution provider');
return initModel(false); // Recursively call with useGPU set to false
session = {net: yolov8, nms:nms };
console.log('session created', {net: yolov8, nms:nms});
console.log('session has a run', session,;
console.log('end initializing the model');
return session
The following code snippet (part of the code above) to warmup nms was taken from another repository. This is where the error is thrown
input: output0,
topk: topk,
iou_threshold: iouThreshold,
score_threshold: scoreThreshold,
Please let me know regarding any other clarification I should add. Working on my last 2 braincells :P
This is an urgent issue. I have been unable to find reason behind this error, nor is this highlighted well in any documentation available online
ONNX Runtime Installation
Released Package
ONNX Runtime Version or Commit ID
Execution Provider
'webgpu' (WebGPU)