Describe the issue
I am trying to build onnxruntime-qnn python interface, for QCS 8550 board having Open Embedded Linux.
I have also made the below Changes in CMakeLists.txt file in cmake folder of onnxruntime by taking reference from the #21203
set(QNN_ARCH_ABI aarch64-oe-linux-gcc11.2) else() set(QNN_ARCH_ABI aarch64-oe-linux-gcc11.2)
Build is getting completed successfully, but when I am trying to install wheel file on the board, it is showing wheel file is not supported for this platform.
And also strange thing is even when wheel file is generated it shows x86_64 as architecture name in wheel file.
Note: I had build the onnxruntime_qnn on Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS System with below requisites
Python 3.10
QNN SDK version
We have very tight deadline, so we are looking for solution/guidance ASAP.
Target platform
Customized Open Embedded Linux on QCS 8550 board
Build script
bash --arm64 --use_qnn --qnn_home=/opt/qcom/aistack/qairt/ --parallel --build_wheel --skip_submodule_sync --config Release --build_dir build/Linux_QCS8550_2_22_SDK_VERSION --enable_pybind --skip_tests
Error / output
ERROR: onnxruntime_qnn-1.22.0-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
Visual Studio Version
No response
GCC / Compiler Version
No response