The Playwright documentation has a link to args for Chromium but not WebKit. I looked on the WebKit site but could not find a list. I googled for a similar code but found none that dealt with WebKit and sound. No matter what args I try, the sound keeps playing. How can the sound be muted? Help, please.
from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
with sync_playwright() as playwright:
# TODO mute the browser; I can't find a list of WebKit args, and none of my guesses stop the sound
# args=['--nosound'] ignore_default_args=['--nosound']) args=["--mute-audio"]) ignore_default_args=["--mute-audio"]
with playwright.webkit.launch(headless=False, ignore_default_args=["--mute-audio"]) as browser:
with browser.new_context() as context:
with context.new_page() as page:
page.wait_for_timeout(40000) # 30 seconds of ads then 10 seconds of the music video