Windows Terminal version
Windows build number
No response
Other Software
JAWS (but probably repros with other screen readers)
Steps to reproduce
- Open command palette
- type "select"
- hear "suggestions found XXX"
- press down
- reads "select, select all text, ctrl+shift+a"
Expected Behavior
In step 3, it's ok to hear "suggestions found", but it should be preceded by reading out the top result (what "enter" does). In this case, it should read "select all text, ctrl+shift+a, suggestions found XXX".
Additionally, in step 5, it should not re-read the text box. It should only read "select all text, ctrl+shift+a"
User said that N of M functionality is nice, but generally should be presented at the end. Personally, he said he doesn't care too much for N of M statements so we should prioritize the other stuff, really.
Actual Behavior
(see above)