With .Net 6 Caller Argument Expression was added, this could be used in testfx to provide the expression which failed the check. Doing this could provider consumers more out of the box detail about what caused the assert to fail without having to manually provide messages.
Sample Code change
public static void IsNull(object value)
IsNull(value, string.Empty, null);
public static void IsNull(
object value,
string message)
[CallerArgumentExpression("value")]string message = "")
IsNull(value, message, null);
Work required
- Add .Net 6 as a built/packaged runtime
- Modify Assert code to make the flows without a message removed in .Net 6 so that code like
execute passingmyParam
as the message.
Change in behavior
Currently a failing call to Assert.IsNull without a message will just return Assert.IsNull failed.
This would change to Assert.IsNull failed. myParam
which could be considered a breaking change and a result a no-go.