When using WIL with C++/WinRT with the cppwinrt.h
header, the winrt_to_hresult_handler
global handler is hooked from WIL directly into the C++/WinRT codebase.
The handler allows WIL exceptions to be understood by C++/WinRT and their HRESULTs extracted, but messages are lost in the way when going over the API boundaries because only the HRESULT is converted in winrt::to_hresult()
C++/WinRT makes use of Get and SetErrorInfo() to recover the messages when re-creating the exceptions on the caller side. The set is done inside winrt::hresult_error::to_abi()
in winrt::to_hresult()
on the server side, but only when winrt_to_hresult_handler
is not hooked. The retrieval happens when re-creating the winrt::hresult_error
on the caller.
If WIL were to call the to_abi()
method in the WIL hook for winrt_to_hresult_handler
, it would properly trigger the storage of the message and later on it could be retrieved when C++/WinRT creates a new winrt::hresult_error
on the caller side.