Download the *.winget files to your local system. They can be executed in Dev Home via the "Machine configuration" section. They can also be executed by running winget configure <path to configuration file>
Several DSC resources may require running in administrator mode. If the configuration is leveraging the WinGet DSC resource to install packages, there are also limitations in some cases specific to the installers that may either require or prohibit installation in administrative context.
Sample configurations have been provided for various GitHub repositories. These configurations ideally should be placed in a .configurations
folder in the root of the project directory. Some DSC resources may have parameters that allow you to pass in a relative file path. The reserved variable $(WinGetConfigRoot)
can be used to specify the full path of the configuration file. An example of how to use that variable with a relative file path is shown below:
- resource: Microsoft.VisualStudio.DSC/VSComponents
description: Install required VS workloads from .vsconfig file
allowPrerelease: true
productId: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.Community
channelId: VisualStudio.17.Release
vsConfigFile: '${WinGetConfigRoot}\..\.vsconfig'
Sample configurations in this directory are directly related to the Windows development paths. These configurations will allow you to automatically set up your device and begin developing in your preferred language quickly.
Examples for a few specific DSC Resources are under the DscResources directory.
Writing YAML is a pain. To help you get started creating your own, there is a sample tool for authoring in the winget-create repo. It currently only supports adding apps, but give it a try and contribute to make it better!