| 1 | +# Created with DuckDuckStudio's Automation. |
| 2 | +# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.locale.1.9.0.schema.json |
| 3 | + |
| 4 | +PackageIdentifier: abgox.InputTip |
| 5 | +PackageVersion: 2.31.0 |
| 6 | +PackageLocale: en-US |
| 7 | +Publisher: abgox |
| 8 | +PublisherUrl: https://github.com/abgox |
| 9 | +PublisherSupportUrl: https://github.com/abgox/InputTip/issues |
| 10 | +Author: abgox |
| 11 | +PackageName: InputTip |
| 12 | +PackageUrl: https://inputtip.pages.dev/ |
| 13 | +License: MIT License |
| 14 | +LicenseUrl: https://github.com/abgox/InputTip/blob/main/LICENSE |
| 15 | +Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023-present abgox |
| 16 | +CopyrightUrl: https://github.com/abgox/InputTip/blob/main/LICENSE |
| 17 | +ShortDescription: An input method status tip tool. |
| 18 | +Tags: |
| 19 | + - autohotkey |
| 20 | + - cursor |
| 21 | + - ime |
| 22 | + - input |
| 23 | + - inputmethod |
| 24 | + - tip |
| 25 | +ReleaseNotes: | |
| 26 | + ## New |
| 27 | + 1. Hide symbols when hovering over them. |
| 28 | + This feature was removed in 2.28.0 due to problems, now it is added again. |
| 29 | + 2. added state code rule, toggle code rule, and which state is the basis for judgement in the customisation of setting input method mode. |
| 30 | + 3. added independent configurations for symbols in different states. |
| 31 | + 4. added a new software icon when the app is paused. |
| 32 | + |
| 33 | + ## Changes |
| 34 | + 1. merge 讯飞输入法 and 手心输入法 modes in the setting of Input Method modes into Custom. |
| 35 | + There are now only two input method modes: General and Custom. |
| 36 | + 2. All configurations in the text symbols are independent and no longer depend on the configurations in the box symbols. |
| 37 | + Before 2.31.0, the transparency, offset, border style and background colour of text symbols are determined by the same configurations in box symbols. |
| 38 | + 3. the calculation of values for configuration items has been standardised so that some items that previously scaled with DPI no longer scale with DPI |
| 39 | + This can cause symbols to become smaller after a version change, and you will need to resize the width and height. |
| 40 | + 4. no longer use powershell to unzip mouse style folders |
| 41 | + But this has also caused InputTip.exe to become much larger, but only by about 6 MB! |
| 42 | + |
| 43 | + ## All code has been refactored |
| 44 | +
| 45 | + ## Other fixes and optimisations |
| 46 | +ReleaseNotesUrl: https://github.com/abgox/InputTip/releases/tag/v2.31.0 |
| 47 | +Documentations: |
| 48 | + - DocumentLabel: README (GitHub) |
| 49 | + DocumentUrl: https://github.com/abgox/InputTip/blob/main/README.md |
| 50 | + - DocumentLabel: README (Gitee) |
| 51 | + DocumentUrl: https://gitee.com/abgox/InputTip/blob/main/README.md |
| 52 | + - DocumentLabel: Some Frequently Asked Questions & Tips (FAQ) |
| 53 | + DocumentUrl: https://inputtip.pages.dev/FAQ/ |
| 54 | + - DocumentLabel: README (v2) |
| 55 | + DocumentUrl: https://inputtip.pages.dev/v2/ |
| 56 | + - DocumentLabel: README (v1) |
| 57 | + DocumentUrl: https://inputtip.pages.dev/v1/ |
| 58 | +ManifestType: locale |
| 59 | +ManifestVersion: 1.9.0 |
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