Hello, i'm use the three.js v0.90.0 and my node version is v8.9.3.
I can run the example's code successly and show the graph, but when i use three.js, it will happen error.
I try to find the question, at lease...
three.js need the three attributes at init, and them is undefined.
I set them to a number temporarily, continue...
Then, the console tell me a new error:
THREE.WebGLProgram: shader error: 0 gl.VALIDATE_STATUS false gl.getProgramInfoLog ERROR: One or more attached shaders not successfully compiled ERROR: 0:52: 'highp' : syntax error: syntax error ERROR: 0:117: 'highp' : syntax error: syntax error
The README let us add the code in fragment shaders:
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
I don't know how to add it to the three.js, Is it related to this error?
The node-webgl is an amazing and valuable project, can you add an easy example to display how to run it with newest three.js ?
I hear you're busy in other issue, about this project, has a roadmap or plan ?