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electric-hiccup provides hiccup-like syntactic sugar for Electric.

It allows dom elements supported by the hyperfiddle.electric-dom packages to be expressed as electric-hiccup. For non-trivial layouts this can simplify authoring and improve readability.

The electric-hiccup syntax can be intermingled with regular electric syntax.

hyperfiddle.electric-dom2is supported by default but this can be configured.

This is an Alpha release.

Please raise GitHub Issues on the project to report problems, limitations experienced or anticipated, suggestions etc. Thanks.


Add the following dependency to your deps.edn file:

        milelo/electric-hiccup {:git/url ""
                                :git/tag "v0.4.0-alpha"
                                :git/sha "f29103a"}


Require [hyperfiddle.electric-dom2] (or equivalent namespace) and [electric-hiccup.reader].

Prefix electric-hiccup vector expressions with the #electric-hiccup tagged-literal.

Optionally override the hyperfiddle.electric-dom2 electric dom namespace using the electric-hiccup.reader/*electric-dom-pkg* dynamic var:

(binding [electric-hiccup.reader/*electric-dom-pkg* 'hyperfiddle.electric-dom3]

[Other namespaces](#Other namespaces)

The default namespace can be overridden by namespacing the electric-hiccup tag-form keywords. For example if you require [hyperfiddle.electric-dom2 :as dom] you can use the tag [:dom/div.h1 "Foo"] explicitly making use of hyperfiddle.electric-dom2/div.


require [hyperfiddle.electric-svg :as svg] to use [:svg/svg {:viewBox "0 0 300 100"} ...]

Sample code in regular electric syntax

Source: biff-electric - app.cljc

(ns app
  (:require [hyperfiddle.electric :as e]
            [hyperfiddle.electric-dom2 :as dom]

(e/defn BarForm []
   (dom/label (dom/props {:for "bar" :class :block})
              (dom/text "Bar: ")
              (dom/span (dom/props {:class "font-mono"})
                        (dom/text (e/server (pr-str (:user/bar user))))))
   (dom/div (dom/props {:class "h-1"}))
   (let [bar (e/server (:user/bar user))
         text (atom bar)]
      (dom/props {:class "flex"})
       (dom/props {:class "w-full"
                   :id "bar"
                   :type "text"
                   :value bar})
       (dom/on "keyup" (e/fn [e]
                         (reset! text (-> e .-target .-value))))
       (dom/on "keydown" (e/fn [e]
                           (when (= "Enter" (.-key e))
                             (SetBar. (or @text ""))))))
      (dom/div (dom/props {:class "w-3"}))
       (dom/props {"class" "btn"
                   "type" :Submit})
       (dom/text "Update")
       (dom/on "click" (e/fn [e]
                         (SetBar. (or @text "")))))))
   (dom/div (dom/props {:class "h-1"}))
    (dom/props {:class "text-sm text-gray-600"})
    (dom/text "This demonstrates updating a value with Electric."))))

Equivalent sample code making use of electric-hiccup syntax

This source is from a fork of biff-electric modified to use electric-hiccup:

(ns app
  (:require [hyperfiddle.electric :as e]
            [hyperfiddle.electric-dom2 :as dom]

(e/defn BarForm []
    [:label.block {:for :bar} "Bar: "
      (dom/text (e/server (pr-str (:user/bar user))))]]
    [:.h-1] ;tag defaults to "div"
    (let [bar (e/server (:user/bar user))
          text (atom bar)]
        [:input#bar.w-full {:type :text :value bar}
         (dom/on "keyup" (e/fn [e]
                           (reset! text (-> e .-target .-value))))
         (dom/on "keydown" (e/fn [e]
                             (when (= "Enter" (.-key e))
                               (SetBar. (or @text "")))))]
        [:button.btn {:type :Submit} "Update"
         (dom/on "click" (e/fn [_e]
                           (SetBar. (or @text ""))))]])
     "This demonstrates updating a value with Electric."]])

Further examples

  • electric-multi-client-app - A minimal Electric Clojure app based on Electric Starter App providing a server with multiple independent clients, routing and an XTDB-in-a-box database. Each client has its own dependencies and electric reactor. This uses electric-hiccup with tailwindcss and DaisyUI.

electric-hiccup syntax

electric-hiccup is loosely based on hiccup.

HTML tags (supported by hyperfiddle.electric-dom2) are represented by a keyword at the start of a vector


The keyword-name is prefixed. During compilation this expands to:


Or :require another namespace [hyperfiddle.electric-svg :as s] to explicitly namespace the tag with its alias:


The alias is prefixed. During compilation this expands to:


ID and class-shortcuts


Expands to:

  {:class "my-class1 my-class2", :id "my-id"}))

If the tag is omitted [] it will default to a "div" although an id or class is required to make a valid keyword.

Optional attributes are specified as a map

[ {:class [:my-class3 :my-class4]
                                 :id :my-id2 ;overrides my-id
                                 :property1 :some-value
                                 :property2 (expression)}]

Expands to:

  {:class "my-class1 my-class2 my-class3 my-class4",
   :id "my-id2",
   :property1 :some-value,
   :property2 (expression)}))

The class attribute value, supports the following forms:

  • "class1 class2"
  • :class1.class2
  • ["class1" "class2"]
  • [:class1 :class2]

These formats are supported when specified either literally or returned from a function.

Note: These formats aren't all supported directly by hyperfiddle.electric-dom2/props

Runtime merging of tag keyword classes

If :class is a function call, it is joined with the classes from the tag keyword at runtime.

[:div.class1 {:class (get-classes :my-key)}]

Expands to:

    " "
    (hiccup/seq-classes>str (get-classes :my-key)))}))

Content goes after the optional attributes

Supported content types:

  • string ""
  • nested electric-hiccup []
  • an expression ()
  "Hello world"
  (dom/text (expression1))

Expands to:

 (hyperfiddle.electric-dom2/props {:class "my-class"})
 (hyperfiddle.electric-dom2/text "Hello world")
 (dom/text (expression1))

Include nested electric-hiccup in (expression2) with #electric-hiccup.

Other namespaces

You can use namespaced keywords as hiccup tag-forms. so for example require:

 [hyperfiddle.electric-svg :as svg]

and prefix the keyword name with the namespace alias:

[:svg/svg {:viewBox "0 0 300 100"}
       [:svg/circle {:cx 50 :cy 50 :r (+ 30 offset)
                     :style {:fill "#af7ac5 "}}]
       [:svg/g {:transform
                (str "translate(105,20) rotate(" (* 3 offset) ")")}
        [:svg/polygon {:points "30,0 0,60 60,60"
                       :style {:fill "#5499c7"}}]]
       [:svg/rect {:x 200 :y 20 :width (+ 60 offset) :height (+ 60 offset)
                   :style {:fill "#45b39d"}}]]

example source from biff-electric-hiccup - app.cljs (electric-hiccup)

SVG example from: electric-fiddle demo_svg.cljc

Alternative representations

As a macro

(ns app
  (:require [hyperfiddle.electric :as e]
            [hyperfiddle.electric-dom2 :as dom]
            [electric-hiccup.reader :refer-macros [$<]]

(e/defn Component []
  ($< [:div "foo"]))

Using your own tagged-literal name

Tagged-literal's are global. By convention #electric-hiccup is namespaced or in this case, is the namespace, to avoid potential conflicts.

You can however define an alternative short-form name for your project:

  • Create or append to the file data_readers.cljc in the root of your source folder.
  • Append a new entry to the map: {ehic electric-hiccup.reader/read-data}
  • The ehic entry defines the tag #ehic
  • Don't forget, in order to use the tags, require [hyperfiddle.electric-dom2] and [electric-hiccup.reader].