Rule pr_vulnerability_check message when no patch exists #274
Given I have a profile with the pr_vulnerability_check
When I create a PR that has vulnerable dependencies
And none of the vulnerable dependencies have a fixed version
Then the review message should be "Minder found vulnerable dependencies in this PR, but could not find a new version of the dependency that is not vulnerable. Please push an updated version."
Given I have a profile with the pr_vulnerability_check
When I create a PR that has vulnerable dependencies
And at lease one of the vulnerable dependencies has a fixed version
Then the review message should remain unchanged, as "Minder found vulnerable dependencies in this PR. Either push an updated version or accept the proposed changes. Note that accepting the changes will include Minder as a co-author of this PR."
Note that we are rewriting the pr_vulnerability_check
ruletype to make it more generic. Let's not change the Minder built-in vulncheck
evaluation step, and instead apply this change only after the rewrite.